I weighed in at 289 6 months after giving birth to my 3rd baby in 2005. It all started with my fear of getting diabetes. I was 21 years old and unhealthy and totally unfit. I embarked on my weigh loss journey, with a family challenge of the biggest looser.
After at 167
I started my journey with a simple 30 minutes of cardio 5 days a week. I was so driven, I never missed. I knew surgery wasn't for me, or pills or weird diets. I WANTED TO DO IT ON MY OWN!!!!! I ate relatively healthy, but let's be honest relatively healthy at that time was VERY healthy to my body. It was such a good feeling to see the numbers on the scale drop so quickly at the start. As I got to the point where I needed to up my workouts with extra help, I took some weight training classes and group fitness classes at the local gym.
Before at 289

I started my journey with a simple 30 minutes of cardio 5 days a week. I was so driven, I never missed. I knew surgery wasn't for me, or pills or weird diets. I WANTED TO DO IT ON MY OWN!!!!! I ate relatively healthy, but let's be honest relatively healthy at that time was VERY healthy to my body. It was such a good feeling to see the numbers on the scale drop so quickly at the start. As I got to the point where I needed to up my workouts with extra help, I took some weight training classes and group fitness classes at the local gym.
I was able to loose a total of 122 pounds in about 2 years. I have maintained a 112 pound weight loss for 4 years!!! I am now at the point in my journey with new goals that I would like to accomplish on this never ending ever changing adventure.
One of my biggest regrets is not blogging or logging my previous weight loss accomplishments. Therefore I invite you to follow me on my way to loosing 25 pounds and training for a half marathon in August and a relay race in September.
This is my CRAZY I CAN DO IT face :)
I love it! Keep up the good work! You have come a long way so far!
Wow! I saw your comment on Racing with Babes & wanted to stop by. What an incredible journey.
I have come down from 193 after my 2nd baby (I was up to 230 the day I gave birth to my 1st son) to 168. I know I have a ways to go (I don't have a goal weight in my mind but the wii fit plus says 129 would be best for me - that just seems a long ways away). I'm training for my first marathon (first any race) in September (although I am picking up a fun walk, 10K, and hopefully a 1/2 marathon trail run before then). :D
OMG! I am soooo glad you reached out and wrote a comment, so I could find you and your story! Wow! It's so incredible! and yes! i so wish for you that you would have started blogging/logging your previous efforts, b/c girl, they are amazing.
i'm just glad I get to hop on board the healthystride blog bandwagon now. You're going to have ~hundreds of ps reading your journey in no time. Proud to be follower #4!!;-)
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your story, maybe because I find it similar to me, and you got there so on the days I feel like what the h@ll am I doing, i'm never goign to make it, I know that there are people who have. WAY TO GO!!! as someone who is currently going thru it, I KNOW how hard it's been for you. You deserve a huge pat on your back.
I'm curious.. how tall are you?
GL on your 1/2 marathon training, i'll be watching (reading) you. :)
I am 5'7. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I'm still at the point where I'm learning lots :)
What an amazing accomplishment! Good luck training for your half marathon. I can't wait to follow your training :)
Congratulations! What a great story. You've come so far, I look forward to following your journey!
What an amazing story you have! Looking forward to following your journey!
awesome - you are such an inspiration!! Excited to follow your journey!
Wow! Those pictures must make you feel like you can conquer the world! I am so impressed!
I am SOOOOO glad you started blogging! I started one day in 2007, thinking I'd do it for a month or two and then quit. But now I have almost 700 posts. Once in a while I take "a stroll down memory lane" and just go back and read what I wrote 3 years ago. Sometimes I just shake my head at myself, other times, I just laugh, oh, and sometimes I even give myself a pat on the back :)
Lindsay! You are amazing! What an inspiration you are. I am so glad you posted before and after pics. You are brave and awesome! Thanks for blogging! :)
I seriously don't remember you looking that big but then again I really didn't see you that often. You look amazing. I weight 160 and don't look as good as you. I wish I could live closer to you so we could workout together. I need to lose 20 pounds. I just got an ellipitcal and I want to go back to 60 minutes like I used to do with no problem. I did 30 the other day and it kicked my butt I am so out of shape.
You look great! That is awesome that you have been able to maintain your weight loss for so long, that is my biggest fear when I am done losing weight - not being able to maintain. Congratulations!!
Congrats on such an amazing transformation. You have maintained so well. Good luck reaching the rest of your goals.
I lost 70lbs and have been maintaining for 5 year (aside from pregnancies). It's tough. Be proud of what you have done!
I found your blog from another and wow - you look amazing! What an amazing accomplishment and just goes to show that no matter what that with a little hard work and determination you can really set your mind to anything.
Good luck training for your first half. I can't wait to read about your journey.
Hi Lindsay
Congrats on how far you have come. I too have a lost a lot of weight. I've managed to drop 92 pounds and have maintained it for 4 years. But I have another 40 to go! I've been plateau'd for over a year and it's driving me nutsy.
I'm curious to see how you manage to drop your last 25 pounds and will be jumping in as a follower.
Thanks for visiting my blog. You will do great on your 1st half. I remember my first half. You always remember the FIRSTS!!
Keep striding
Oh well done!
I am amazed: we even have the same runners!
I love your story and love your blog (and all the pink!) I just started running in Jan and was glad to find a blog like yours that is closer to my pace and training time, with both of us being new to the running scene!
I just had surgery 3 weeks ago and won't be able to run again for a few weeks so it may be a little like starting over me. So I am staying motivated by following your blog :)
And I just started logging my caloric intake this week. Since I am not exercising right now I thought I should start doing that.
Your story is inspiring! I have a 35 lb weight loss goal myself - first time ever having a weight loss goal.
I'm looking forward to keeping up with your story! Best of luck to you :)
what a great accomplishment. you look simply dazzling!
Great read! New to your blog. Congrats on hitting the 100 pound mark! You are a rock star! I've lost 50 of my 120 pound goal. I have been doing WW. I know I need to start exercising. I need to flip that switch. Thanks for getting me that much closer to pulling that terrifying trigger. I started a blog about 1 month ago. Please stop by and visit! www.Results-Not-Typical-Girl.com. Hugs and thanks, Kirsten
Congrats on your completely inspiring success. :D
You're an inspiration! I saw you today on GMU and I saw a reflection of myself in your "before" photos. I have worked so hard on my home and marriage, that i've forgotten myself! I lost 40 lbs last year, but have gained almost all of it back as of today. Thank you for reminding me of what is possible and helping me to get motivated again!
Wow, that's amazing! My biggest fear is going blind from diabetes, since I have type 2. I know it's possible to fix that problem and get healthy. Thanks for the inspiration!
That is one fantastic journey that you set out on. Congratulations on everything that you have accomplished, and good luck in reaching your goals.
The Fit & Frugal Challenge
Wow, I'm starting at 289! I feel so inspired!
Your story is amazing! I love the before and after pictures. It sounds like we have a similar story too. I didn't want an easy fix like surgery. I knew I could do it and wanted to prove that to everyone else! :)
Wow, you are so inspiring. Great job keeping up your weight loss when you needed that extra kick.
You're an inspiration!!! I'm a new follower of your blog and also new to the world of weight-loss. I have 110 pounds to lose and have list 7.7 pounds in the last 3 weeks. I also have a blog
: ) Jess
amazing story!! congratulations on your success. you look really great and i'm glad you are happy! :) take care and thanks for stopping by my blog! ill be checking out yours too :)
Amazing and inspiring! I look forward to reading more :)
To repeat the above comments- wow!
You're so very inspiring for those of us still plodding along with this weightloss journey.
You look beautiful! :)
Lindsay! You're such an inspiration...look at all that you have accomplished. At your pre-weight loss, you remind me a lot of myself and oh how I would love to be a success story like you! Thanks for stopping by my blog to say hi and I look forward to following you on your journey and being inspired.
P.S. You are GORGEOUS!!
Look at you go, go, go!
OMG! you are sooo amazing!!! what an inspiring story!
Wow...thats amazing and congrats! I am on the weight loss train also...have only lost 6.5 lbs want to lose 50...and have kind of lost my get up and go...but seein your blog gives me new motivation! :)
It's amazing that you were able to drop so much in such a short time. Great blog!
Im definitly gonna follow your blog now! I found your blog from the post on Mama Laughins blog. Im just started my weight loss journey. Ive been doing it for 6 weeks now and have lost 18 pounds. I have a long ways to go though. My starting weight was 395 lbs. As of today Im at 377. Ive been doing the P90x exercise program 7 days a week and eatting low carb-high protein diet.
I look forward to reading more about your journey!!! Congrats!!
I noticed you posted a couple comments on my blog so i thought i'd stop by and say hi and what do i find? You've lost a TON of weight. WOW, how inspiring. I'll be checking in on you to see how you're doing with your half marathon. Which one are you doing? PS-you're beautiful!
Wow! I just spent at least an hour reading your blog and learning from your story. You are an inspiration! I look forward to coming back for motivation and inspiration for my own 100-lb weight loss journey.
You are such an inspiration, Lindsay! It is so great that you have gotten so healthy!
Oh wow!!! You look amazing! Congratulations, that is quite the accomplishment, seriously, I'm just amazed!
Good luck on losing the last 25 lbs. I know you said you don't want to do any weird diets, but have you ever done in internal body cleanse? It's not a diet, it's just a way to cleanse out all the junk that has accumulated over time.
So many of us are so toxic, and toxins are stored in the fat cells to protect your vital organs, and in so doing, we tend to hold onto fat. Anyway, not sure if it's something you'd WANT to do, but the one I do really isn't that hard, and you're not stuck to the toilette all day like you'd think when you hear the word CLEANSE. It cost's about $3-$5 a meal, which I don't think is too bad since I usually spend WAY more than that per meal :) I've posted more information about it on my blog, since so many people have been asking me about it. Click on the Nutritional Cleanse tab in my nav bar, there you'll find my before and after pics as well.
Anyway, I do love your blog, and will be following you now. Hope I can offer any kind of support :)
Girl, your a little super women aren't ya!?!?!
Congratulations with all of your success!!! I’m looking forward to encouraging you on your next journey! Thank you so much for your positive comments.
Congrats on the amazing weight loss! Look at you hot mama! ;)
I'm currently closing in on the end of my weight loss. I've lost 93 pounds so far and am so close to my goal!
You've got a new follower :)
You're such an inspiration.
I'm starting a weight loss journey.
I'm taking it step by step.
Starting with getting out there and exercising every day.
Also cutting back on calorie consumption.
Your blog lets me know that I can do it!
Very very impressive :-) We run success stories. Have a look http://www.weightworld.co.uk/success-story.html
Would you ever run one with us??
I am at the same weight as when you started and have three children and its comforting to know that someone has started form the same place and has made it to where they want to be. Thank you so much for sharing your story and you have done a fabulous job. I just recently started a blog and am looking forward to seeing some results. Do you find that blogging motivates you? I seem to more movitated even if I only have afew followers support is support. Cheers!!!
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