I hope you are all healthy, happy & doing well. I have really missed the “Healthy Living Community”. I carried so much pain and sadness with weight and I just really want to help people. I want people to know there is hope and that if I can do it, they can do it too! I am nothing special and was able to achieve great goals. I want to show you that you can also achieve great success.
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I am super stoked to introduce a project that has been several months in the making and you are the first to find out about it! I am now blogging and consulting over at www.pretendingiknow.com![]() |
As a special gift to my past readers and fellow supporters I am offering 50% off any of my e-consulting packages with the code HealthyStride, making them even MORE affordable. It is my way of telling you THANK YOU for remembering me, sticking with me and believing in me. I can’t wait to catch up with you over on www.pretendingiknow.com.
Love and healthy wishes,
@pretendingiknow on IG
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