
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Rest At Its Finest

Knowing that my official half schedule starts on Monday I planned to take this weekend off ! I though it would be a good idea to rest my body a few extra days, before I put my body through a hard training schedule. I am so excited to start my official training! I know that as soon as I complete a day and cross it off my schedule my half will be here before I know it. That alone makes me SO excited :)

-Weekend Recap-
Friday night was spent going to dinner at The Pie, it's a local pizza joint in Salt Lake City. Being a life long Utah resident I hadn't ever been there. Oh boy was I missing out, it was SUPER yummy!!! We went with my sister and her husband. It was in the basement of a pharmacy up by the University of Utah.
Super cozy and super cute.  A must visit spot if you visit Utah.
 You better believe I indulged in this gooey goodness! Everything in moderation RIGHT? 
I did have a HUGE green salad before my slice of pizza :)
We washed our pizza down with a tasty peach rainbow from Pace's Dairy Ann.

-Saturday Night-
We met up with some good friends of ours for dinner, batting cages and frozen yogurt!
Way To Much Fun!
 We rocked it in the batting cages! If you haven't done the batting cages before I highly recommend it.
The beautiful view we got to enjoy while batting! YES that is still snow in the mountains,
our spring is being really slow on bringing us warm weather.
We finished our date night off with some frozen yogurt. 
We worked so hard playing baseball, we deserved a treat :)

How have you spent your weekend so far?
What are your Memorial Day plans?


  1. We haven't done awhole lot of anything. We did just get back from a 3mile walk in bear country... and we made it back safe:) Hope you have a good weekend!

  2. Hi Lindsay,
    I awarded you the Beautiful Blogger award. You can come get you award at my blog! Thanks for your inspiring posts!!

  3. The batting cages look fun! And I love the view! So far we have picked blueberries, done some swimming and we're off to spend time with friends today and tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!!! :)

  4. I've never been to a batting cage. It looks so fun though!

  5. Mmmm love the pi. What a fun weekend! I spent mine (so far) driving through the SNOW in the canyon. Geez. Who wouldda thought?

  6. Looks like you had a fantatstic time!

  7. What a fun day you had. I am so not athletic, never would have thought about going to a batting cage.

    We spent yesterday doing yard work and making dinner on bar-b-que.

  8. Giving your body a few extra rest days is really good. I read in Oxygen that every 3 months, you should take one week off. Since my injury, I have been able to enjoy spending more time doing other things like gardening, cooking, and spending time with family and friends. That froyo looks good!

  9. You have me thinking I should find some batting cages in my area. I played softball for years when I was younger, but I haven't hit a ball since university (um.....8 years ago!?). Looks fun!!

  10. I am so excited to watch your training progression!!! Cute pics. :)

    Thank you for the thank-you card! You are too sweet.

  11. Looked at your schedule, busy one but totally doable I think. I'm starting my half marathon training tomorrow too but it's a 28 weeks schedule so I have lots of time to prepare.

    The baseball looks fun! My weekend is almost over, taking a rest weekend too before training starts tomorrow and had a wedding party last night.

  12. OH man! The Pie and Pace's rainbow!? My favorite things! Good thing I live too far away to frequent either of them!!

  13. We had pizza this weekend too. Yes, everything in moderation!

  14. Looks like lots of fun. Cant' wait to start hearing about your training. This weekend has been filled with lots of playing outside with my little guy, gardening, and 2 runs! Tomorrow I rest. :-)

  15. So excited to follow along with your half training! Mine doesn't start until August for my half in Nov! Skeeeered!

  16. Oh, your photos make me miss Utah!

    Local pools have opened so we spent some time swimming yesterday. Picnic on the agenda for tomorrow. Rest day today!


  17. Sounds like an awesome start to a long weekend! How exciting to start your official training on Monday!!!

    I did 7 miles on Saturday. I'm resting today and hoping to pull off another 7 on Sunday. Next weekend I'm going for the 9 that has eluded me. I just have to get it through my thick skull that I need to start at 6am to beat this heat and humidity. Houston is no joke!

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  18. Good luck with your training this coming week! You totally earned that pizza and fro yo :) Love The Pie!

  19. Wow. I love how you rest! Will you share some of your training schedule?
    Glad you are ready for Monday!
    :) Jen

  20. How fun!! Way to be a rock star and get into the batting cages:)

    Good luck next week with the start of your half marathon training!

  21. ahh good luck with your half marathon training!! I always give myself a week or two between races to rest up :)

    mmm that froyo looks super yummy!

  22. The difference between thin and fit, and sluggish and heavy, is your green salad and "slice" of pizza, rather than the whole pie! I remember the day when I could probably have eaten an entire pizza by myself. Yick. Just thinking about that makes me cringe now...Glad you had a fun date night!!

  23. Wow, looks like you had a GREAT time =) That Frozen Yogurt looks Delicious!

    Good luck on your training!! Looking forward to reading about it!!

  24. That batting cage looks like so much fun! That pizza so so amazing! Yum!


  25. Batting cages are fun and a GREAT upper body workout! Looks like y'all had a fun time.

  26. Thanks for going to dinner with us Friday! That was a lot of fun. Let's do it again soon!

  27. Oh - I remember the Pie! I lived in Utah for a couple of years. My fave place is the Loco Lizard in Park City or I think there was one somewhere in SLC (near the zoo, maybe?).

    Made the quinoa recipe this weekend - it was so good.

  28. Ending a wonderful date nigth with frozen yogurt is an A plus in my book! Look at you looking too cute rocking the baseball helmet! Love it! Have a great day! xoxo

  29. Lindsay,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting! I realize, now, that we are fellow Utah folks, though we are only here in the Canyonlands NP for a seasonal assignment which I'm already getting sad about leaving. It is a magical place.


  30. I looked over your half schedule and that's the exact same schedule I did for my first half marathon! It totally worked and was very reasonable in terms of letting me still have a life. I now swear by Hal Higdon's plans and I'm currently following one of his intermediate plans for my full marathon. (We'll see how it pans out with my blisters, though!)

    Sounds like you had a great time with friends -- enjoy your long weekend and good luck with the start of your training!!! I hope you like it!! (I'm with you in that I LOVE being able to cross off a workout after I'm done. Makes me feel so accomplished!)

  31. You look so cute in your helmet! Congrats on starting the half plan, you're going to have some fun this summer and I LOVE that peach sundae!

  32. Thanks Lindsay!

    Sounds like you had a great weekend :)

  33. Hey Lindsay, I gave you a Beautiful Blogger Award - You are really an inspiration!! Keep up the great work and keep on having fun!! Hugs@@

  34. Batter up! Sounds like a blast :) That is definately something that I want to take my 6 year old out to do this summer. Sounds like all is well! I am running my first half marathon in October so I definately want to know how yours goes in August!

  35. omg, you are just too cute! batting cages and fro yo? so fun;-)
