
Monday, May 31, 2010

The Best Kind of Donut

Isn't edible! 
It's a day spent with family hiking Donut Falls.
Today we wanted do something active, free and fun! 
We headed up to Big Cottonwood Canyon and did a 6 mile round trip hike. This is something I was even proud of myself for doing. When I was overweight going on a hike would be the LAST thing I wanted to do.  I am so happy that I have made the changes I have so that I can enjoy life to its fullest.
I loved that my family was doing something active. As I watched my kids climb the mountain, I couldn't help but smile. They are being taught at a young age to enjoy the great outdoors, and to be active every chance they get.
The Beautiful Donut Falls!!!!
We had made it to the top, the sense of accomplishment was HUGE!!! I made sure to tell my kids how proud of them I was. I wanted them to experience how awesome it is to accomplish a goal. When we started on the trail we told the kids it would be challenging in parts, but to push through it. When we reached to top the smiles on their faces let me know how proud they were to reach the top.
I have to close this post giving thanks to those who fought for and lost their lives in war. 
What a great day it is to remember those who have passed on.

I hope everyone has enjoyed
Memorial Day!


  1. Looks like such a great day, Lindsay! You are a wonderful role model for your kids!

  2. Was that SNOW in some of the pics? (maybe I am looking at it wrong)

    Great planning by having everyone remove their shoes before getting back in the car!!!!

  3. SUPER!! I love it. Awesome Job!! We were going to go hike Multnomah falls today but it didn't work out. You are setting an awesome example and I hope to be doing the same thing very soon!!!

  4. sweet! i love hiking. looks like you guys had a great time. Good job!! xo- karrie

  5. Great pics! Looks like such an awesome place to hike!

  6. Hey! What time were you there? We did the same thing today. That was us with the screaming child as we booked it down the mountain. :)

    It was crazy crowded but OH so fun!

  7. What great photo's and what a wonderful place to go for a hike.

  8. PS next up? Google Brighton Lakes - you may be interested.....

  9. Awesome!! What a great day with family!

  10. Great pictures!! You have a lovely family. Being active your family is awesome!

  11. That is awesome!!! It tickles me that my 2 year olds favorite thing is being outside and being active. I can't wait until he is just a little older and we can do something like this too!!!

  12. that looks like a beautiful hike! i can't believe you have snow where you live, it was 100 degrees here today! ugh!

  13. Wow, you have a great life and a great family! I'm jealous - but in a good way, it's spurring me on!!

  14. LOVE Donut Falls!! We'll do it in a few weeks when the snow melts off a little. It's fun to snowshoe in there in the Winter as well. Fun!!

  15. Thanks for commenting on my blog today. I've run St. George twice, but I hurt my hip two years ago and I've pretty much abandoned the dream of ever doing it again. Impressed with the weigh loss. I'll be back!

  16. Beautiful! Love the photos!

  17. Oh I love hiking!! That looked like a blast. Its great when exercise is so fun it doesnt feel like exercise, and hiking is definitely that, fun and exercise.. lol. ps - you have a beautiful family.

  18. How neat! I love to hike when I get the chance! It's something we used to do when I was a kid.

  19. What a fantastic family day!! :) I wish I could get my husband to appreciate the great outdoors! I love the picture and caption at the end. So true!

  20. Love the photos! Your family is so cute! I must know...Did your kids complain at all? Last summer we did a four mile hike in the NC Mountains and at first my kids were good with it...then it was "I'm tired...How much farther?" They were missing the point. The hike was our destination. I thought they would have been old enough to enjoy it and get it!
    Glad you all had fun!

  21. What a fun day! The falls look beautiful. Isn't it great to do these type of activities as a family. You look amazing. Keep up the great work

  22. Wow! That's awesome. When I have kids, I definitely want to teach them a healthy lifestyle. I want to break the cycle that my parents have started. So, I will be serving only healthy food in my house and we will do daily family activities like walking, hiking, riding bikes, etc. You're really an inspiration...

  23. lindsay~your family is adorable. kudos for all of them making it to the top! is that snow on the ground i see? hope your weekend was great! xo

  24. Love the pics! looks like you had a great time

  25. oh I completely agree! I used to HATE going on hikes with my husband because it was so terribly difficult for me. Now it feels almost effortless and I can truly enjoy the time with my husband/mountain scenery!

  26. Gorgeous hike!!! I remember one time I could barely breathe on a's so nice to not have that feeling anymore! :)

  27. Wow, lush & green in some parts & snow in others! Crazy weather where you live:) What a great weekend activity!

  28. i love it! i love that your kids did it with you and you explained that it wasnt going to be easy the whole time. you are an inspiration!

  29. What a fun post Lindsay! Gorgeous pictures and family time! I love it:)

  30. It looks like you and your family had a great time. That hike looks amazing, too!

  31. Thank you, Lindsay! What beautiful pictures!! How nice that you and your family got to do something nice together on such a special day. I'm happy to say that I'm following you, too! :)

  32. I LOVE waterfalls!! Think of how much more we, as moms, give our kids the opportunity to do, when we're fit! Instead of plopping down in front of the t.v with a video game, they can go out and play in the amazing natural creation we've been given to enjoy :)

  33. It looks like you all had a fantastic weekend----but now all I can think about is donuts...


  34. It looks wonderful!

    Great blog, by the way!

  35. You kids! I am SO impressed with their hiking!

    But forgive me, I just had a greedy vision of Donuts Falling from the sky after said hike was done. ooops.

  36. Isn't it funny how when you change your life from over weight to healthy how your activities follow suit!How wonderful for you and for your whole family!
    What great memories!

  37. That looks like SO much fun!!
    And I love the new look of your blog. Your header is awesome!

  38. What a gorgeous hike! Love all of your photos. Great job keeping the kids active.
    Path to Health

  39. That looks so fun! I keep telling my husband that we need to get outdoors and hiking! I have never been much of a hiker but I want to become one! What better way to get a great workout in??? Plus there are so many beautiful places to go here!

  40. Love the pics! And kudos to you and your family! What a wonderful way to spend the day together!

  41. love the pics! 6miles of hiking - wow that's a lot. and with kids no less!
