
Friday, May 21, 2010

Just A Number

I know that for many people they OVER focus on the scale!
 Our weight loss is about much more then the number on the scale.
 It is more about how our bodies feel, and the changes it's making!
When I weigh in the scale comes 4th in the order of importance to me. 

My order of success goes like this:
  • How My Clothes Fit:  I can tell in my jeans, they button easier and  there is less going on over the top of them. My shirts may lay a little flatter too.  Let's be honest who doesn't like to feel their clothes get baggy! I think that is more gratifying then the scale. The scale tells us and our clothes show us!
  • Measurements:  I try and take measurements monthly so that I have a chart of changes. 1/4" is a loss! I get excited about any move in measurements.   
  • Body Fat: Testing our body fat is a great tool to use it shows us a fat loss %. I will tell you in the last month I have not lost a pound! I am running like crazy, hitting the gym hard, and eating VERY clean. The scale hasn't moved but my body fat has.
  • The # On The Scale:  If you are weighing more then 1 time a week STOP.  It's not healthy to do so, nor are the scale mind games fun to play.  Make sure you always weigh at the same time of day. NEVER reweigh yourself later in the day. The number on the scale fluctuates from 2-4 pounds during the day!  When I weigh it is first thing in the morning. I jot that number down and don't think about it or really even care about it. The scale is JUST A NUMBER.

Do you abuse the scale?
What tools do you use to measure your successes?

PS Tomorrow is my 1st 5 mile run!!!! 

*Don't forget to enter my BlenderBottle Giveaway


  1. I agree with your post 100%! I was getting crazy so I decided I would weigh myself ONCE a month only. No more than that. Just to check in.

    I measure, I pay attention to how my clothes fit. I am MORE excited about completing races/bike rides/etc with a great time than weighing 130 pounds.

  2. Since I started running, my weight loss slowed down dramatically, BUT the changes in my body are VERY noticeable. One thing I do regret is not having taken measurements throughout the course of my journey. One thing I love is the way my clothes feel - there is nothing better than knowing that I will never have a tight-fitting outfit again.

    Happy Trails on the 5 tomorrow! I'll be doing 7! It's been a while since I've done 7, so I'm a bit nervous! Stay hydrated!!! =)

  3. Great post. I do tend to obsess over the number on the scale, I'm trying harder not to since I feel so much better and have gone down a few clothes sizes.

    Yay for the 5 miler. 4.5 is my longest to date and then I slacked back off. Hope to hit five miles week after next.

  4. Great post!
    I won't lie... I have become a scale junky. I honestly don't let the number affect me, but I do look once a day and first thing in the morning. I should go back down to once a week just see what difference it makes. As far as tracking body fat... do you have something at home that will test it for you? Or do you have somewhere that will do it? I would be interested in buying something to test it, but I don't know what the best route would be.

  5. Good luck on your run!

    You post points are valid. But I'm of the few who weigh daily. I do it morning and night as a way to gauge my daily eating. I do get excited when I see those numbers move daily, especially when they move consistently (not the up/down 1-3 lbs every day). I don't obsess over the number, but if it's staying in the upper range of where it should be then I know what my problem is (too much food, too little exercise). This works for me.

    And since I'm still in the in-between sizes stage, it's difficult for me to get joy out of my clothes fitting looser because they all fit loose :(

    Since I'm becoming more consistent with my strength training, I plan to tape myself this weekend and track my progress.

  6. Great post Lindsay! Being the analytical person I am - I am an accountant - I thrive on numbers, it was difficult for me to let go. The number on the scale isn't a true representation of what is happening beneath the surface, clothes, measurements and body fat are much more helpful tools. Good luck on your five mile run tomorrow.


  7. I guess I am still somewhat of a scale junkie. I step on the scale every other day. The number really doesn't affect me, as long as my clothes fit well. Sometimes, if I am feeling bloated, I will put on my smallest sized clothing, just to prove that they still fit and that I'm only having a "feeling," and haven't actually gained any weight. I have tried to learn not to let my mind play tricks on me!

  8. I just want to say i love your blog.
    thanks for all your inspiring posts. you're very REAL and i love your honesty :)

  9. I used to weigh several times a week, so I wouldn't be surprised at weigh-in at WW. However, I'm now (embarrassingly) over the weight limit for my scale, so it's of no use to me. While it's sad that my weight's that high, it's actually been a good thing, because I've been forced to look at thse other indicators of success besides just the number. For example, this week I was able to wear both my wedding rings for the first time in a couple months (I was only able to wear 1 ring instead of 2). That felt great!

  10. i would have to agree that my clothes getting bigger is fun. but i absolutely measure my success by what the scale says.

    were you ALWAYS like this? did you realllly lose a hundred pounds not caring what the scale says????

  11. You echo my thoughts entirely.

    I only weigh in once a week, And I huse a whole host of other measures to keep my spirits high.

  12. Oh man... I am so incredibly guilty of being a scale abuser! I weight myself daily, if not twice. You are so right, it plays freaking games with your head, and it is not mentally healthy. In fact, I'm going to make a pact right now that between now and next weigh in (next Thursday) I am not going to weigh myself. You are my witness.

  13. I know exactly what you mean! I was becoming obsessed with the number of the scale and knew I couldn't do it. At the end of April I decided that I needed to change that. Instead of weighing once a week, I decided that I would go the month of May without weighing in. I decided to listen to my body. I have my first weigh in next Friday since April 30. I'm so excited to see what it says, but overall I feel great and I know that even in the last month I've lost inches!

  14. I totally abuse the scale! I agree that clothes, especially jeans, are a great indicator of how things are going weight wise.

  15. I so agree with you - for me it's all about how my clothes fit. I figure if I feel good and like how I look in my clothes then it's all good!

  16. This is an excellent post. I have to say that I am guilty of stepping on the scale several times a day. Then my husband discovered that and noticed it was affecting my mood. So he has taken the battery and only gives it to me on Saturday morning. Thank goodness for him!

  17. You're so right, but I do tend to pay way too much attention to "the number".

    Your first 5 mile run?!!!!! YOU GO GIRL! Hope you have great weather and can totally enjoy it!

  18. OMG! I love you right now!

    I weigh more now than I have in years, but I'm a few sizes smaller in my clothes, I have definition where I didn't before, my B/F % is lower, and I feel better.

    I could care less what the scale says! It's funny when people say "Did you lose weight?" and I say, "No." because I didn't.
    I try to tell ppl to ignore the scale all the time. I wish they listened!

  19. I so needed to read your post toady. I've been getting so discouraged at the results I feel I am not getting. I'm one of those that are so focused on the scale number that I get myself rethinking why I am doing all this work if nothing happens. I too run and have intense workouts, so something should be working.

    Do you have a tool you use to measure body fat, or can recommend what to do for that?

    Thanks for you blog, it helps keep me going day to day!

  20. i definitely over use my scale. it even annoys me!! good luck on your run! :)

  21. i get it. that sounds very balanced. it's one of many ways you measure your progress. i admire that!

  22. I recognize that scale ... Costco? It's the same one as I have. I love your witty photo.

    I have reformed myself concerning the scale.
    Other ways I determine my success are my eating and working out. Those are easy to determine and control.
    I'm a once a week weigh-er but during the at work challenge it will be twice a week. That's still better than the 4-5 times a day I used to hop on and off the thing.

    Have a great weekend and good luck with your 1st 5 Miler!!!

  23. I find measuring hard to keep track of, I always doubt that I've done it in the right spot, the same way, etc.

    I agree with you on the clothing thing though, that does not lie. I hate when you feel things getting tighter and tighter... grrrr.

  24. Getting over the scale is a HARD thing. It's so easy to be controlled by a stupid number. Blah!!

  25. I usually only weigh once a week, but since I started my healthy eating plan this week I've been weighing myself daily, partly to laugh about the wide fluctuations but also partly either to see a drop and motivate myself to keep going or to see a gain and motivate myself to keep going. I think next week I'll go back to once a week though. My scale is definitely trying to gaslight me.

  26. I agree that the scale gets way too much power!

    I use it as one tool to measure my success. Clothes, how I feel and my food journal tell the rest of the story!

  27. I completely agree with this. If I was making my own list, I'd add "the way I feel physically." The older I get the more the way I feel is a determination of my success. Since I started working out with my trainer the knee pain I used to have is gone. It's really nice to get out of bed in the morning knowing stairs aren't going to be a challenge!

  28. Lindsay, Thanks so much for sharing this. I'm beginning to understand that it's not all about the scale...and that's really how it should be! I just recently joined Curves for Women and they take in account body fat, measurements, and weight. It will be great to see the changes from month to month.

    Thanks for taking the time to stop by my blog and leaving a comment!


  29. love the photo. I keep pulling out new clothes and the hubs is asking is that new?? i say no I think it was just skin tight the last time I wore it. I have been avoiding the scale as I am sure with 8 days of no activity and beng bummed equals some added poundage. Good luck tomorrow. Can't wait to hear how it goes.

  30. I only weigh in once I week and I don't have scale at my house, I only use my IL's. If I had one at the house I am sure I would be horrible. Good luck on your five mile run!

  31. I definitely fluctuate on this. I think it's better to weigh once or twice a week. Even though I KNOW BETTER! I might weigh more and if it's up 1/2 lb I'm second guessing myself, ticking through my bodily habits, obsessing essentially. Hard to find the balance. But I did make a little poster with all my measurement changes over the last 2 years and that makes the weight loss REAL.

  32. I weigh every day, it helps me keep on track. Also, I love my food journal! When tracking my calories, I kind of know what to expect. Tomorrow is a day of firsts - Your first 5 mile run(can't wait to hear the details) and my first day in a dragon row boat. CAN'T WAIT!! Hugs!

  33. That dreaded number on the scale is a hard one to crack. I am a frequent weigher. I have heard that it's actually good to weigh yourself once a day at the same time of day because if you notice a big difference in the number you can stop what you are doing an course correct yourself before the week is up. If you wait for the full week, you could be in way more trouble than if you had realized what you were doing earlier. Of course, everyone will chose their own way that works best for them. Gotta love it when those clothes get big. That's the greatest feeling.

  34. Wow.. I just posted this same topic on my blog before looking through Blogs I follow. This must have been on everyones mind Funny how we seem to ignore/forget the non scale victories. I am vowing not to step on the scale this week at home.
    Love your post.

  35. I'm learning to pay more attention to my body and how my clothes fit as well.

    I used to abuse the heck out of the scale. Over the winter and into the spring I would weigh at least 6+ times a day to check myself...even waking up in the middle of the night. My obsession was really unhealthy. :/

    Best wishes for your race tomorrow girl!

  36. i think this is great advice!!
    once a week is perfect. I think daily weigh ins show too many ups/downs. I mean if you had a big dinner you might weigh a little more in the morning because food is still digesting, you know? great post!

  37. I abuse the scale like crazy. My FH actually removed it from the bathroom and has put it up where I cannot reach it. (I am only 4'11). He takes it down once a week so I can weigh myself and get depressed Geez

  38. love when the pants are feeling a bit loose.

    gooood luck on your run!

  39. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love, love, love your blog page. Just seeing that shoe inspires me to get up and exercise. Awesome job also on your huge weight reduction. I will check in with you on a weekly basis. Thanks again!

  40. I used to be a scale junkie, now I am trying not to be. Perhaps that has more to do with the fact that the number I am seeing is really discouraging, and I know that it will effect my mood too much. So now I am weighing in twice a week, weigh in day and one other day, and I swear I won't do it more. Although I am just starting this journey (again) I know that my clothes are too tight and that once they are looser that will be a measure of my success! PLus the fact that my energy is so much higher right now!

    Good luck with your run!

  41. You are so right!!! I agree! why do we get so caufght up with the scale. I do it all the time!
    Good luck on your run! Wow! what an accomplishment!
    Have a pretty day!

  42. I am trying so hard to only weigh once a week!!

  43. Well since you read my post about the same thing, you know I obsess about the scale!!!

    Great post, I agree with you 100%. It made me re-think things :)
