
Monday, January 24, 2011


I love the mornings that I wake up and look outside and find this!!!! 
I love how the fog just kinda settles in I LOVE IT!!!
It is usually gone quickly but I love the smell of it the crisp air and just standing outside in it!
I love the look of the wet cement...moss covered too.
 On top of that my grass is still green!!!!!

Plus.......we will have weather later this week of 4+ days of 55ish degrees and you know what that means??? 
BIKE RIDE!!!!!!!!!

I can't wait what is your weather like right now???


  1. seriously...i'm moving to the tomorrow if i had it my way...

    can't wait to hear how your bike ride goes!!!

  2. Love the green grass & the possiblity of BIKING, but fog? Yuk! Not even better than snow, IMO! LOL
    I'm ready for spring though...perhaps a bit early? -22C here today although it's supposed to "warm up" to -5 or -8 for the rest of the week!! Whoo-hoo!

  3. I'm jealous. 55 degrees? Really? Our weather right now....19 degrees. It was 11 when I got up this morning. Snow still on the ground from last week's storm and more on the way.

    Well, I can dream of 55 while I'm on the treadmill, dreaming of running in the park, on the trails, around the neighborhoods, instead of on the treadmill in front of a tv and a miror.

  4. Cold, new snow over ice. Perfect for an indoor trainer ride.

  5. OMG! I'm so jealous of your weather AND that you can see grass! We are in NY and it's ...well, you've prob. heard. HORRIBLE. Minus temps this morning. 55 degrees is going to seem like a heat wave when it finally gets here.

  6. It was -8* at 9:30 this morning here in ME. So I'm avoiding the outdoors like the plague!

  7. Can you please esnd that weather here!! I need some!

  8. Ahh... that looks like perfection! Gotta love Oregon!

  9. It's 30-ish and snowy! I'm totally jealouse of your weather!

  10. Your weather is making me jealous, I love winter so much! It's hot hot hot here in Brisbane. 30+ degrees (celcius) and sunny. It's nice, but nothing beats snuggly winter weather!

  11. Definitely not an Oregonian quite yet, otherwise you'd be cursing the fog and wishing it would hurry up and RAIN already! ;)
