
Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Barely!!!! Not even kidding, would you believe me if I told you my husband and better half has been out of town for the last 5 weeks for job training???? So what does that mean!!!!! My schedule, routine, and daily everything has become a mess of sorts! I honestly feel for single Moms you freaking ROCK!!!! I don't know how you do it. With this little taste I have had it's HARD work. Harder then I had imagined, I had it all planned out in my head that when my Hubby was gone, I'd get to the gym early before the kids work up, I wouldn't eat out as much because he wouldn't be here to eat out with......I would be game on and 15 pounds lighter when he returned!!!! HAHAHA now flash to reality........Getting up early YA right, I'm beyond tired from doing it ALL alone, eating out.....yup fast food with the kids on the way to football practice, or on the way home! In reality I have learned from this it's better to not make a game plan and to take it day by day! I need to only tune into the big picture occasionally instead of focusing on it daily. I appreciate all the emails of concern and wondering how I am doing! Honestly I don't know how I'm doing is that possible???? The kids return to school on Monday and it will be time to readjust schedules once again.....Seriously summer has never been so HARD!
* Body Pump Class- So SUPER sore, couldn't walk for days! It was way lighter weight then I'm used to lifting too, different muscle fibers but ouch!
*Massage- Got reamed by the massage girl! DO YOU NOT STRETCH???? Guess I need to be better about loosing those legs....oops!
*Worst ride EVER!!!! Set out on Saturday for what was suppose to be an awesome 50 miler....yup didn't happen cramped at mile 13, was beyond sore from Body Pump, and started coughing.....only made it 25 miles and that 25 miles felt like 500!!!! 
*Yoga, Um this class was different then any class I have EVER done! Literally we became human pretzels! Loved it though and will be going back for sure!
*Got sick....I am finally feeling a little better I never felt sick but had some nasty chest thing going on! SO I took a few recovery days off.
There is a sweet lil catch up! 
I hope EVERYONE has a great day :)


  1. Glad you are back! I have 3 kids of my own and my husband is gone overnight 2-3 times/week so I fully understand:)!!

  2. sooo agree..being a single parent would be a LOT of freakin' work!

    You did it though for 5 wks. nice;-)

  3. I was a single mom for many years and you are right. It is hard.
    I am sure you are doing great and hopefully it is almost over!!

  4. Wow! Talk about a hectic past five weeks.

    Congratulations on making exercise a priority and getting it in!

  5. wow.... you poor thing, sounds like everything rolled down hill on ya.

    I'm like you, I am spoiled in the fact that I have a husband who helps me with our little one. When he is away for awhile I have a new found respsect for my mom who raised three of us.

    Well hopefully you will get into a routine that works for you!

  6. Wow! Great to see that you got all your exercise in.

  7. Sounds like it might have been a LONG 5 weeks! Don't you just love BodyPump class?! :)

  8. Hi - So glad you are back and OK. I missed you! Have a great day!!


  9. I'm also a single mommy when my hubby goes out of town for a conference or class for a week. It's a nightmare. Congrats on surviving!

  10. Welcome back!!

    (PS - I've been a single mom for 2 years now).

  11. yay for being back! :) i agree though that this summer has been hard and tough!

  12. Glad you are back. Sounds like you have been busy - busy - busy. Getting the kids back in school will help. I so agree with focusing on the day - instead of the whole week - or weeks. Just getting through the day is a chore.
    Hope you can soon relax.

  13. Great to hear from you! As the old adage says: stay calm and carry on. ;) Hopefully things are back to normal soon.

  14. Way to hang in there:) I'm a single mom of three and there's never a dull moment (or rarely a time I'm actually caught up on laundry!!)

  15. Glad you're back!

    Are you supposed to stretch before biking?

  16. How do you get motivated again after being sick for a few days, to start exercising again?

  17. I'm a semi-single mom. My hubs works out of town during the week. It's tough at first but you get used to it. For me, left overs and crock pots is the key to dinners. But my girls are little and we don't have after school activities.
    Oh and sometimes, leave the dishes in the sink. I've found out that there is no such thing as the dishes police.

  18. Good to see you back, rough patch there huh. Hope a deep breathe and dose of blogging is the relief you need to set you moving forward from here.

  19. Those experiences that are different and outside of our routine are the ones that help us grow! Chalk it up to new experience! And welcome back :)

  20. hjang in there, beautiful!
    thinking of you

    hope you have a splendid sunday, dear
    love, becca
