
Monday, July 26, 2010

My First 10k Race Report

Let me start by saying I was scared to DEATH to run given I have not RUN in 5 weeks!!!!! 
However I was told by my friends I could so do it.......So I trusted them and went for it!!!
They were right I could do it. Good thing I have honest friends :) So the 24th of July is Utah's BIG holiday, we had a party the night before and did a big firework show and BBQ so by the time I was in bed I got a whopping 4 hours of sleep!!!!! Not exactly the ideal amount of sleep for feeling well rested for race day.
I know this is so DUMB but I have ALWAYS wanted a chip on my shoe!!!! So I had to document it :) Even if it was only on my shoe for a short time I was proud to rock it!!!
There was something SO wrong about leaving my house at 5am in the pitch black to go RUN!!!!  It was DARK and COLD and I was going to be RUNNING!!!! I kept thinking WHAT have I gotten myself into???
There was NO turning back I prepped my mental game and the RACE was ON!!! 
I was going to complete my first 10k, even if it took me ALL day. 

My thoughts went like this:
  • Mile 1- What was I thinking who does this???? I chose to be here???? Kept checking distance on my Garmin wondering why this seemed so long. Maybe I should have warmed up first. . . . . . Was getting acrylic toes the day before a race a bad idea???? I can kinda feel them, I better not loose my toes...
  • Mile 2- Crap that was a LONG mile ya it was downhill but who said downhill is easy??? My knees are killing! Bottom of foot burning.......PLEASE no blister PLEASE!!!!!!
  • Mile 3- Okay Lindsay your half way there!!!! This is kinda fun now, however that is for sure a blister forming, it's your own fault who goes and runs 6 miles without running and expecting pain free feet after? 
  • Mile 4- This is AWESOME I am doing this!!! I never EVER imagined I could or would do this. My    iPod is messed up, my play lists are whacked so I jammed to my 10 yr. old sons list..... Miley Cyrus song comes on and the lyrics couldn't be more perfect for how I was feeling.
    The struggles I’m facing,
    The chances I’m taking
    Sometimes they might knock me down but
    No I’m not breaking
    I may not know it
    But these are the moments that
    I’m going to remember most yeah

    Just got to keep going
    And I,
    I got to be strong
    Just keep pushing on,
    I had hit the point of struggling at this point in the race, I was feeling totally challenged. Ready for it to end then........
  • Mile 5- I turned the corner and hit the Days of 47' parade route. There were TONS of people, they were cheering us on clapping squirting water, holding signs and just happy to see us!!! It helped me SO much, to get through the last 2 miles. 
  • Mile 6- WOW I have almost completed this!!!! Kid standing in the road waiting for high-fives! SMACK his hand and think crap that was kinda hard my hands stinging poor kid...... sorry guess I had some aggression! 
  • Mile 6.1- I can SEE the finish!!!! I have done this!!!! I feel proud and grateful for my body but more my mind for being able to do this.
I did it I finished my first 10k in 1:09:47.9!!!!
 I take my shoe off to find a BIG old blister SWEET!!!! I love it, pain from the body is aching, double sweet I worked hard and I can already feel it........ 

 Dang, I am SORE!!!!!! 
How on earth do people  run 20 more miles then I did????
Would I run a 10k again? For sure, would I train before..... probably not. 
Well maybe a little? 
Phew my toes are all fine!
How did I like the distance? LOVED it, was long enough yet short enough. 

Do you remember your first 10k?
What is your favorite distance?
If you haven't run a race before pick one and FINISH it!!!!


  1. congrats !!!
    i do remember my first 10k, it was hard, hilly and i was at my boyfriend (hubby now) paren't summer house and wanted to impress him, his friend (female) came as well and she ran it super fast. but he was there cheering me on at the end and i know he was so proud. my favorite distance is a 5k, short and sweet.

  2. Congrats! My first 10K was a Turkey Trot. It was super hilly and kicked my butt. But I was so happy to have finished and it was great not feeling guilty eating on Thanksgiving. My favorite distance to race is the 8K.

  3. Great job Lindsay. I want to do another race soon, but in the summer heat I've had to rethink things. I'm thinking of one in Sept!

  4. Great job! My favorite 10k was a trail race, seemed to never end but it's a;ways amazing to run through the woods.

  5. Awesome job! I remember my first 10K- it was so hilly but a great race. I really liked it...that was before my hip and knee problems. My time was 1:10:00- close to yours!


  6. Congrats, Lindsay! So impressive pulling off a 10K not having run in 5 weeks (though biking is quite the hard work, too)! I did a 10K back in March and I had a very similar mile by mile though process - all starting with WHAT DID I JUST GET MYSELF INTO?! I have my very first half marathon on Sunday - eeek! - I'm so nervous!!!

  7. Great for you!!!! That was pretty couragous after not running for five weeks.

    I always think the same thing at the beginnin, "Who does this?"

    Good job!!

  8. Congrats!! Sound like you did AWESOME!!

  9. Way to go Lindsay! I can't imagine doing a run on 4 hours of sleep, let alone not having run in weeks. You rock!!

  10. Awesome job! Espeically for someone who declared they hated running just a week or 2 ago :P

    I like the 10k but one of my favorite distances is the 8k! That's 4.96 miles and for some reason it seems so much shorter than the 10k. I haven't done a straight up running race less than 10 miles in many years. I kinda want to now!

  11. congrats! you totally beasted it :)

  12. brilliant time. I just did mine last sunday too.

    Congratulation on your first 10k. many more to come. You will learn to love it.

  13. Congrats! Great job. My first 10km race was what started all this kooky running stuff I do.

  14. Congrats! I can't wait to do a 10K!

  15. congrats! Awesome finish! Yes, I remember my first race - also a 10K. A few years ago now, I was sooo nervous for it!

  16. Great job!! You look fantastic!
    I have only ran 5k's.. I want to run a 10k and my ultimate goal is a half marathon. But I just can't get my mind where I feel I need to be to complete more than a 5 mile run. I WILL do it though, eventually.

  17. Way to go!!
    People on the sides cheering you on definitely helps motivate and get through those last miles!!
    My first 10k was in 2005; Peachtree Road Race in Atlanta. It is a huge race and my husbands family has been doing it for 30+ years!
    I suffered through those 6.2 miles. I have done it 3 more times and it gets better... although, I think I would prefer to stick to 5k!!

  18. GREAT JOB! congrats on your race!

  19. Congrats! I ran the same race and it was my first 10K too :)

  20. I just did my first 10k in May, it was great but GOD it was hard!

    You did awesome! I am PROUD of you! :)

  21. You do ROCK! Seriously. So proud! I actually have not ever raced a 10K. Someday... :) Hope the blisters don't stay too long. Hope you find time for more running every now & then. So happy you had a great experience!

  22. Congratulations! I love the mileage recap with your thought breakdown!

    Great work!

  23. Great job. My 1st 10K was the Desert 10K last year. ;-)

  24. I just ran a 10k this past weekend, too! Great job on your first one! I think they are fun, but my favorite distances are either the 5k or the half marathon. 5ks are fun because you get such a wide variety of people running them, and they are becoming 3-mile sprint fests for me (fun!). 13.1 is fun because you really have time to settle in and enjoy your surroundings and the motion of running.

  25. Thats so awesome! Congrats on finishing it!
    I am still a little anxious about doing a 5K in October! But it should be a good experience!!!

  26. You totally rocked the tag and I Love the paisley top!! Do share...where did you find it? I have never done a 10K - just some 5K's and the Little Rock Half Marathon. The Half was such a personal high! Glad you enjoyed the race.

  27. Well done!!! I also love your paisley. I DO remember my 1st 10k the same one you did only years ago and I started w/ a pulled calf muscle that ended up tearing and I had to limp to the finish and it was embarrassing to gimp along the parade route. Awful...I hate 10k's to this day. Perhaps I need to rock one to conquer this memory?

  28. Sweet! Nice re-cap. I'll be doing several 5K's this fall and am looking forward to tackling a 10K near the end of the year or early next.

  29. My first 10K was on a treadmill because I wanted to know I could do it before the race. So, my first ever race was a 10K. It was good. my cousin ran with me so I had motivation to keep running. I ended up running faster then than on the treadmill. It was fun.

  30. Was thinking about you. Glad you survived. You looked good!!!!!!!!!!


    That is the link to my first 10k race report. It was on July 4th. It was fun but really tough! First mile was entirely up hill and so it made my pace and overall time a lot slower... I LOVED the race. I have only ever ran 5ks and this 10k. I would have to say my favorite distance was 10k and I am looking forward to a half I am doing in October

  32. Good job! You look strong and totally energized in those pictures! :)

  33. Excellent job! Love the pictures! My favorite distance is the half marathon.

  34. Congratulations girlfriend. you did amazing!

  35. Way to go Lindsay! Way to rock it girl:) I love the pictures and admire your attitude even more!

  36. Im running my first 10K Aug 21st and my first half marathon Oct 17th... Im so excited!

  37. You don't mess around - doing a 10k after no running for 5 weeks! No sissy stuff for you! Great job! I'm so glad you had a good race and are willing to do more :)

  38. Congrats on your first 10K! It does feel great.

  39. nice job chica;-) you looked radiant out there

  40. Congratulations!!! I loved your recap! ( :

    When you get a chance, please swing by my blog. I have something for you there. (((Hugs)))

  41. I don't think I could run a 10k without training- or on 4 hours of sleep.
    but, maybe???
    are you saying it's more of a mind game?

    You did great!

  42. Awesome job!!! I just did my first 5K but still doing the alternating jogging and walking thing!!
    Good to see you were still smiling at the end!

  43. 2 years ago, that was my first 10k and I became addicted! You did awesome girl! I am so proud of you!!

    There is def something about that course and the crowds that make it unique from other races....hope you do it again next year!

    And I am STILL sore myself!

  44. Sounds to me like you are wearing the wrong socks! You need runner's socks lady. Let's chat about this.

  45. Congratulations! You should feel very proud of your accomplishment!

  46. Congratulations on your first 10k, girl! It's an instant PR!

  47. Congrats! That's so exciting. I'm not sure I've ever run a 10k race. I've done lots of 5ks and trained/raced a few marathons but no 10ks. Weird.

  48. Congrats! You did it! Way to go!!!

  49. I totally was laughing at the "Who does this?" thought... every time that I sign up for a race, vs just going out for a run, also optional, I have that thought.

