
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Does healing burn calories???

Please tell me it does!!!!
This lovely Alpine Slide and I didn't get along so well today!!! 
I pretty much took a corner WAY to fast and ate it big time :(
This pain is not one of those hurts so good feelings! I think I honestly cried for a good 20 minutes. I usually am a pretty tough girl too. Among my first thoughts was..... Can I still ride my bike? 
All bandaged up emotionally shaken and puffy eyes from crying an all !!!
I am home from my vaca now and am sure I will be able to ride my bike, just not tonight like I had hoped.

Have you been on a Alpine Slide?


  1. Oh my god! I have know idea what that is but your wounds look painful! You poor thing!!!

  2. Oh my! That looks like a really bad booboo. What exactly is an alpine slide? I hope you aren't in too much pain :( Put your feet up, relax and heal up :)

  3. Ow, ow, ow!! I would be bawling my eyes out, too.

    I have never done an alpine slide, and now I don't want to!

  4. Sorry, I didn't notice the link! It looks fun aside from the danger of loosing some skin!

  5. One of my friends walked away just like you! I am so sorry! It looks so painful!!!

  6. I have never tried an alpine slide and after seeing your skin burns - I don't think I ever want to. Oh My Gosh - it looks really painful. I clicked on the link and the web site shows a mom and child and all I could think of was - what if this happened to a child!!!!
    Hoping for quick healing.

  7. oh my gosh you pooor thing.

    i have done an alpine slide and i have some sort of memories that it was not a good thing. i also have problems with water slides.....

  8. Are you in Winter Park? I came, I Alpined, I crashed - Big Time. I still have scars on my shoulder and it was nine years ago. I also tore up my calf and my face. I had to walk around all summer with a scabby face. Attractive. Everywhere I went people said, "Alpine Slide?"
    I am sorry you crashed too. I hope you feel better soon.

  9. Awww...hope you feel better, and healing does burn calories :)
    Last time I went on one of those, I was in grade 8 and they are deadly. Drink up some coconut water, lots of water, and chicken broth to heal your skin faster. Eating foods high in water also helps to heal.

  10. Holy Moly!!! Ouch. You poor thing. :(

  11. Owwweeee!!! Hope you head real fast!

  12. You poor thing! That looks painful. All the best for fast healing.

  13. OMG that looks painful! I hope you heal quickly and can enjoy your bike tomorrow.

  14. that looks so painful¡¡ I have never crashed on the Alpine slides but probably because I am wimp and go as slow as a snail. The people behind me always look irritated lol

  15. Oh OW! Sorry! That sucks. I hurt just looking at it.Hope you heal quickly!

  16. holy cow ouch, so sorry hope you heal quickly love that your first thought was being able to get out and ride. :)

  17. Oh no!!! I'm so sorry Lindsay! Relax a little and let things heal. You don't want to exacerbate things!

  18. I highly recommend tegaderm for helping to heal your wounds. Unfortunately I've had to use it more than I want to.

    Yes, healing burns calories. It must, right?

  19. Oh my word! I could cry just looking at the pictures! :( That looks very painful!! I almost went down an alpine slide once, but decided not too at the last minute. It looked like fun but I was also nervous about it. Hope it heals fast!

  20. Hmm, I don't think I'd be into that one. Yikes!!!!

  21. Yikes! I hope that heals quickly so you can get back to doing what you do! So hardcore!

  22. my my my heal quickly..get on that bike...xxoo

  23. OMG OUCH!! you poor thing! i have been on an alpine slide but i didn't hurt myself like that! (surprisingly)..hope you get better soon!

  24. Oh no!! Ouch!! :( I hope you heal quickly!!


  25. Holy crap Lindsay! What did you do? Ouch and ouch! Take care of you...sending you healing vibes:)

  26. I am hurting just looking at these pictures! Oh My GOSH!!!! And to think I've even considered going down that slide! AH!

    Get better soon! Lots of neosporin!

  27. OWWWWW, So sorry, nothing a 50 miler that will help you forget about that

  28. Ohhh, bless your heart!! That looks like it hurt something fierce. Heal quickly, my dear!

  29. That has to hurt - get well quick.

  30. Linds!!!!! So sorry about the wipeout! i am such a chicken on that thing that 5 year old girls are whizzing past me on the slide next to it.
    You look gorgeous even with tears in your eyes! xoxo

  31. Oh my gosh...that looks so strange and painful.

    Bike it out, girl. You know you want to.

  32. Lindsay! That looks so hurty! I'm so sorry that happened to you.

  33. Ouch! Poor thing you. Please take care and heal quickly.

  34. It was GREAT meeting you tonight at the Relief Society meeting! You are such a HUGE inspiration!

    Oh and Sorry about your crash and burn!

  35. I hope that you'll heal quickly!! I have just started reading your blog since you were on GYU.

    You should try putting Miracell on the burns and wounds, you'll heal faster! Here's the link: (It's not my product but just one that I use)

  36. Hi Lindsay, thanks for your kind comment on my blog. I hope you heal quickly -- I bet you'll be back on the bike in no time! Best, Rob

  37. Oh man, I hope things heal quickly!! No fun to have burns. I love the alpine slide. I will remember to be more careful!

  38. Ouch, I've fallen off and done damage to myself more times than I care to remember, but as the old saying goes, "If you ain't falling off, you ain't trying!" So well done for trying! :-)

    File that one away as a learning experience and crack on, as I'm sure you will!



  39. Yikes!!!!!!!!!! That's some serious freaking road burn. I don't blame you for crying, that must of stung so horribly bad. Gah. I hope the healing process goes smoothly.. it looks like it might be rough.

  40. Oh Sweetie, what a sin! That looks painful (and not in a good way). All in the name of making memories eh?

  41. ouch!! That looks so painful. Get better soon!

  42. OUCH! I don't think I'll be trying out that alpine slide anytime soon after seeing these pictures. Hope you heal quickly.

  43. Oh poor girl - that sounds awful!! I hope you heal quickly.

  44. I haven't gone and at this point, I don't think I wanna :)

  45. OH my gosh, I want to cry for you after seeing those pictures! Bless your heart. :( I hope you heal fast!!!

  46. Oh my goodness!!! That looks very painful! But you are gorgeous smiling through the pain!! :)

  47. Oh my goodness!!! That looks very painful! But you are gorgeous smiling through the pain!! :)

  48. aaawww poor thing! thats looks painful girl!!!

  49. OUCH! That looks painful!!! Feel Better!!!

    ***wishing you a quick recovery***

  50. I am cringing just looking at these pictures. You poor thing! Aw, and you look all wounded all bandaged up!

  51. Hi Lindsay - I hope you're on your way to healing! Yikes! Thank you for coming by my blog - I appreciate your support and find your journey very inspirational. I'll continue reading!

  52. ouch! That looks so painful. Heal quick.

  53. ow ow i cant even look at the pics! hope you heal quick! hugs

  54. Ouch-O-Rama. That's some serious road rash....

  55. Oh, jeez. That all looks so painful. Heal quickly!

  56. Ouch!! I think I'll stick to land and avoid Alpine slides! I hope you are healing fast.

    Thanks for visiting my blog, I'm glad you liked the post. I can really appreciate Jack now.


  57. First off - ouch ouch and double ouch. Glad it wasn't more serious!

    Second - thanks so much for stopping by my blog and taking the time to comment. I look forward to checking out your site now!

  58. That looks horrible! OUCH!

    So glad you found my blog. Awesome on the 100 lbs!! I lost about 100 too and then got stuck, I have a lot to go. I have a "diet" blog as well as my recipe blog. I'm going to come back when I have more time and read more of your blog, thanks!!

  59. Thanks for the support Lindsay!! I truly appreciate it!! You look like a bad ass though with all your bandages!! Just tell people you got into a scuffle with some nasty people and you whooped their butt!! :) hehe Hope the burns feel better soon!! Try witch hazel (I heard that helps a LOT! :)

  60. Dear god!! Those are some brutal-looking injuries! Stay off the playground, mama! :) Here's to a speedy recovery.

  61. Oh my goodnesss....those are serious scrapes! I hope you heal quickly!!!
    (Thanks for the comment on my blog...I'm now a follower ;-)

  62. OUCH! You look great... in spite of this! :) Thanks for dinner! Love ya!

  63. Oh. My. Gosh. That looks so painful! I hope you're healing quickly.

  64. OWWW! Now I'll know how to recognize you at the race tomorrow! :)

  65. I hate to admit it, but I too took a corner of the Alpine Slide too fast. It was 17 years ago. We were on vacation, and I was riding with my little sister in between my legs, since she wasn't big enough to go by herself. Or maybe she was, but she was just too scared. We'd been down once and got a thrill, so decided to go again. This time, I knew what I was doing (I was a pro) and so we went fast. Bad move. Not only did we crash, but the weight of her body bore down on my leg as it slid down the slide. I thought I was going to die.

    I am SO incredibly sympathetic. It's so painful. And maybe you don't want to hear this, but I have recognizable scars to this day. Round whitish areas where there are no more freckles. :) AND, I've never been on the Alpine Slide since.

    Heal quickly!

  66. I Recently Went down an alpine slide in Colorado and got some burns on my leg and arm. When you got your burns how long did it take to heal?? Will It Scar?? Right now my burns are pinkish purple and it has like some spots on it, and what type of like medicine did you put on yours?
