
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Tattoos and Snow-cones

This stressed me out a TON!!!! 
Um hello, I didn't even know the front tire came off.
I rode 55 minutes, 13.5 miles and a whopping 841 calories! 
Saw this super cool patriotic fire hydrant. Come on now that is something you don't see everyday!
Got myself a incredible chain tat!!! Grease doesn't wash off easy either :'(
After such a HOT and sweaty ride I earned a super yummy snow-cone!!!  
It hit the spot and cooled me down! Peach, Pineapple and Pina-Colada!

Tell me about your chain tats, any hints on getting them off without taking a layer of skin with it?
What is your favorite snow-cone?

Tomorrow........we are talking tires :)

Make sure you enter my Ryders Giveaway!


  1. They do make special soaps specifically for grease (the orange goop stuff comes to mind) that you can by at hardware or automotive stores... on the other hand why would you want to remove the chain tat?!? Like you said... it's AWESOME!!!

  2. I loved my chain tats... proof that I was doing something! Haven't had one in a while though...

    Try rubbing some cold cream into it. Then let it sit a minute and wipe off with a tissue. I used to let mine just fade away, but it occurs to me that if cold cream can remove mascara, it will probably work on your "tat".

    Congratulations on your ride! I have a goal of doing regular rides this summer on our bike trail - once the spare kid goes back to his mom.

  3. Agreed! Keep the chain tat on for as long as it sits there naturally. When someone points it out, just act like you hadn't noticed it and tell them you've been riding! That amps up your coolness factor by about 5 points!

  4. Nice ride! I like multi flavored snow cones.

  5. The Orange goop stuff really does work to get the grease off. But if you don't have any, and I'm assuming you don't, Try crisco. I know it sounds nasty but you probably have some around the house.

    I like raspberry snow cones. Great job on the bike ride!

  6. I'd use my Charlie's Soap (

    No, I don't work for them. Just a mom who likes a good cleaning product without all the harmful stuff in it.

    But, I'm with the rest, keep it on there until it wears off!

    Great job on the ride!

  7. I leave my chain tat's like a badge!
    I love the calorie read out after nice ride. Don't you.
    Your header is super inspirational. You look awesome!!

  8. I always end up a greasy mess after I'm on the bike. Add sports drink or gels on top of that & I'm usually a dirty, sticky mess just like my 4 year old nephew!!! Mine usually comes off with regular shower gel. If I remember to scrub the specific spot...but there's been more than once I've done a quick turn around post ride, looked down and realized I still have grease on me! Oh well!

  9. Be carefully putting your tire back on. Make sure not to warp it. Yea...this is from experience. make me wanna cycle again. You obviously have a fun group you ride with. Have you fallen yet....oooo the joys :)

  10. Taking it off...wear that chain tat with pride!

  11. Sorry about the chain tat! Sounds like a great ride!

  12. I just had to check my legs for those chain tats! I normally always end up with them and I forget to check after my ride today. Surprisingly, I have none, for once! My husband bought me some special goop he uses but I've been lucky using those cleaning wipes that I always keep in my car.

  13. Cool chain tattoos..they are a right of passage for us cyclists..:) BTW, had anyone told you that you look like Reese of my fav's.

  14. Giggled at the chain tattoo.... I get one weekly ;) Great pictures!

  15. Nice ride girl! LOL about the chain tatoo. I don't have any tips as to how to get rid of them, however.

  16. No ideas for the chain tat, but it seems like you have a lot of other comments with good suggestions.

    I'm a tigers blood snow cone girl!

  17. That seems an odd place for a chain tat. Most common is inside right leg.

    I'm looking forward to the tire write up (and changing tubes when the dreaded "f" word happens).

  18. that hydrant is so cool! i love it. it would make me want to pledge the allegiance to it or something. or like maybe sing god bless america. ha.

  19. Wow! You burned an awesome amount of calories!

  20. I love biking too!! Never got a chain tat though! Last weekend I did get a lot of road grim and dirt on my leg. Stupid toe clip would not release and down I went. So embarrassing!!! Would much rather have a chain tat, for sure!!

  21. What a cool hydrant! Talk about having spirit! And what a wonderful way to disguise an otherwise eyesore! ( :

    Girl, you are really kicking butt on that bike of yours! I would definitely say you did deserve that snow-cone!

    My favorite is Cherry with Condensed Milk! Yum-O! Unfortunately, I can not remember the last time I had one because I'm scared to figure out the calories! lol

  22. Washing up liquid and a brillo pad works every time, but I guess being a bloke I'm not too worried about my skin!

  23. I ran across your site while waiting for my wife's 2011 Dolce Apex to arrive. She absolutely loves it.

    By the way, the best thing that I have found for removing chain tats are those little packages of adhesive remover that look like wet naps. I keep a few in the seat bag and they dont take up any room.
