
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sunset Trail and Runners LOW

I am hiking with a hiking group on Wednesday nights.
We hiked Sunset Trail last night. It was a 3 mile round trip hike. 
 We saw this car that had crashed off the road higher up years ago.
Saw this BEAUTIFUL waterfall..... and enjoyed
*Thanks Julie for the AWESOME pictures.
I loved this hike and it was so fun to hike with a great group of people!!! I can't wait until next Wednesday.

Now for the RUNNERS LOW. . . .
Today I had a 3 mile run and I am just going to be totally honest here!!! 
I was mentally prepared for this run, I got up, ready and excited to go! Ya um that excitement died REAL quick. My mind and heart wanted to run so legs wouldn't move, my knees were throbbing, and my body was in shut down mode. I knew I had to get my 3 miles in however running them was NOT an option. I ran um let's say maybe a mile of the 3! I felt as if I was starting all over, like it was day 1 of running again. I came home and CRIED! Why did my body fight me so hard today???? I have been LOVING running, todays run left me stressed out and confused. I am now questioning why it was so AWFUL. Some of the the things I am thinking of are: Nutrition, am I eating ENOUGH? Stress, am I STRESSING myself out? Sleep I KNOW I am getting enough of this. Stretching, I need to be BETTER on this maybe this is why my legs felt so tight? Hydration, water am I DRINKING enough? I asked myself all these questions and my goal is to make sure I address all of those areas and get FAR AWAY from this RUNNERS LOW I experienced today!

Make me feel better tell me if you have experienced a RUNNERS LOW!!!!


  1. A hiking fun! In live in FLAT no hiking for me. I do love to walk the beach though.

    I don't run, but I lift weights intensely. I know there have been times when my mind is good and ready to go, but the body will not. If it persists...I take a couple days off and let my body recoup then I'm good to go again.

  2. I have yet to meet a runner who has never had a bad run...happens to everyone. Sometimes you can figure out why, other times not. The important part is to not let it get you down and just get back out there again. :)

  3. Your pictures make Utah look so beautiful. It is a good reminder for me to appreciate where I live.

    No runners low yet for me....probably because I don't run. However, some days on the elliptical are SO much harder than they have been before. I think that you just have to take the ups and the downs. Great job sticking out your 3 miles though!

  4. Lindsay, there will always be days like today. You will never conquer perfection. You can think this is the worst news or you can not panic and know that better days will outnumber the bad days and to just get through the "sucky" days as best you can. Keep the chin up and days will suck less often:D
    Good luck!

  5. Sorry to hear about your experience; it happens to everyone! Did you have a snack before your run? Are you strength training or doing resistance training on an elliptical or something to build leg strength? Those may help.

  6. yes we all have those points. You're doing great, you're such an inspirations!

  7. This has happened to me before too! After loving runs, feeling so high, like I was on top of the world - a bad, horrible, awful run. I try and figure it out too - time of day, hydration,'ll love it again. Way to stick with it!

  8. I'm feeling ya on the runners low! I had a bad one Tuesday night that left me very frustrated. Then I went out this morning and kicked butt! BTW That hike looks absolutly beautiful. I may have to try it.

  9. aw girl well it looks like you had fun hiking, at least!! do not stress about having a bad day...just keep on trucking. seriously, i know exactly what you're talking about, when you're just too burned out to do it, but think of how PROUD of yourself you are for at least finishing your walk! teh Lord helps those who help themselves ;)

  10. Are you overtraining? Maybe taking a few weeks off from running is what your body needs. Try swimming instead. Or yoga.

  11. Try not to let the run get you down too much. We all have those days. I'm sure your next one will be much better!

    Oh, and I'm hosting a giveaway over on my blog if you want to check it out! :-)

  12. The running lows are very real. I get them more than I'd like. Sometimes I just do less or walk or skip that day altogether. I usually feel better the next day and am able to really push myself. I do not know why this happens, but it just seems to be part of the experience. Don't be hard on yourself. You are doing SOOOO awesome. Since I found your blog, there are times I think about how far you have come and it inspires me to push through a hard run. So just let this disappointment roll off your back and remember it is just one day. You will have lots more wonderful runs and then every once in awhile, you'll have another day where running stinks. No biggie. :-)

    Hang in there!!!!

  13. Yup, I sure have. It's like no matter what you had in mind, your body just doesn't want to do it. It's ok. Not all of our runs will be good ones. You mentioned so many of the reasons why. Just any of those reasons alone could be why, let alone more than one. Stretching is a big one for me now. I have to warm up before I go for a run and stretch or I will be in pain. Try to combat those reasons and I'm sure you'll be loving it all over again.

  14. I love the idea of a hiking club! I wish there were more places to hike around me so I could start one!

    I often feel like I'm the queen of the runners low. I have only started reading your blog recently but it seems like you have come REALLY far in regards to the types of physical activities you are doing. Focus on what you have accomplished and don't let one little 3 mile run upset you! You still have the power to get out there and accomplish your goals but you have to listen to your body. When I have days like this I try to "give in to them" by doing something different, for example going for a hike or long walk instead of a run. I find when you tell yourself you SHOULD be able to do something, your body will respond by not letting you, so just embrace it and try it again tomorrow. Good luck!

  15. Those are all good things to think about but it could also be that you just had a bad day, we all have them. Don't beat yourself up over it, your next run could be awesome. Try another run and see if you are still feeling bad and then see about tweaking your eating or hydration but it could be an isolated incident that happens to us all. Good luck, hope your next run is amazing!

  16. Cheer up...we all have those runs! They are just part of the journey as a runner. Just keep going and don't let them get you down. You'll find your running groove soon again.

  17. Oh honey, do not over analyze this. We've all had one of those days- you're geared up ready to go and your body, for whatever reason, just does not cooperate.

    I wish I could tell you this will be the only time you'll experience this, but that's just not true. Realize it's part of training and don't beat yourself up.

  18. perhaps your running to much? I only run 3 days a week unless i need to make up a training run.

    I also don't run concecutive days, unless its a make up run.

    Sometimes, the body needs muscle memory rest.

  19. Have I experienced a runner's low??? Have I ever!!! While training for a marathon, I noticed that my worst runs came when: I was not hydrated enough, I didn't consume enough carbs, and when I had over trained. If over training is your issue, BE CAREFUL. This is one way that injuries occur.

  20. a hiking group sounds like so much fun! the pics are absolutely beautiful!!! sorry you had a bad run....yes, we have all had days like this....dont beat yourself up!your next one will be fantabulous!!!!

  21. Ooooooh. Your hiking group sounds like a blast!

    Yes, I have experienced a runners low. And it stinks big time! My hubby say that there will always be those off days, for whatever the reason. Just keep at it and don't let those off days get to you. :)

  22. It was awful because Julie and I weren't there to chat you up. :) Just kidding!! Thanks for the fun hike.

  23. ouch... good job gutting it out, but next time you might be better served just taking the day off or walking instead... if your body really didn't want to run so bad maybe it was trying to tell you something.

    Everyone goes through their funks though... I'm sure you'll fell a lot better next time!

  24. Oh man - I haven't had a runner's low yet, but only because I'm still such a newbie. I can imagine that it SUCKS. One thing that always gets me inspired is great music. Maybe you could try mixing it up with some new tunes? And don't beat yourself up - at least you can go 3miles!

  25. Gorgeous pics!! Sounds like a fun group. I have had a runners low - for the last 15 years!! I've never been up to where your at, so I don't completely understand, but I encourage you to keep going!!

  26. I was thinking about starting a hiking group. It sounds so fun!

    I think I have runners low about once a week to every two weeks. You just have bad days. Sometimes in a row. It will be okay again though. No worries!

  27. Oh girl - I've had several and they do SUCK! I even had one during a 5K race! Yikes! Just tell yourself tomorrow is another day! Shake it off - it happens to all of us, I promise!!! =)

  28. Awesome pictures. I was a bit dizzy looking down on the waterfall one, though.

    Don't beat yourself up! You still got out there. Didn't you just run a hard two miles yesterday??? If I run two days in a row with the first day being a hard run, that next day is tough. My first mile or two is sssllloooowww. I just try to finish and be proud that I was out there running.

    Keep up the good work!

  29. Sorry your run sucked so much!! I had that a week ago. It was just so incredibly hard. I found that the weather was hotter than I was used to and it was really effecting my ability to run. Also when it is raining or going to rain, my knee hurts more. Or even if I've worked out hard the day before, sometimes I think the body needs a little extra recovery. Be kind of yourself. Likely your next run will be much better!

  30. I love the idea of a hiking group! That's so cool! And the scenery is just so beautiful! Y'all are truly blessed to be able to experience this!

    As far as your Runners Low.... I am so sorry. Unfortunately, I've never gotten to the point of running so I can't say I know what you're going through. But I certainly do sympathize with you. We all have our ups and downs. And yes, the downs really suck!
    But thankfully, they are only temporary!

    I love how you assessed the situation and formed a plan to locate and fix the problem. It says a lot about how determined you are!

    Just keep reminding yourself.... This too shall pass! ( :

  31. I am not a runner, but I have experienced this with the exercises I do. This will pass. Keep up the great work. You are an inspiration!! Hugs!

  32. I've definitely experienced a runners low. It was usualy my body's way of telling me it needed a little break. The following run was always better! Don't worry girl, you haven't lost it!

  33. I am so inspired from your weight loss! Besides your workout, I would love to hear your mental state through the process. I just did a post on the mental battle of dieting and I would love your thoughts.

  34. im sure if i could run, i would experience it....i have experienced walkers' low :-)

    there are good days and bad days. you are doing sooo great. you have been loving running! today was an exception. not the norm.

  35. LOVE those pictures!

    ahhh, runners low, heck yes. sometimes running just truly matter how prepared you may be. it's completely unfortunate. especially now that it's getting hot! i pretty much cry as soon as i start. it's torture. and i feel no reward at the end. sadly.

    no worries...those lows come and go. you just need to hope they don't outweigh the highs.

    happy weekend, lovely lady!

  36. I'm pretty new to running, but I've been doing research and speaking to my running friends. It sounds like you hit your "wall" early. Hydration, running long two days in a row, and/or not having enough glycogen may be one of the culprits. I hope you figure it out. Good luck.

  37. First: what a great area you live in. I would love to hike there. It's all flat and boring here.

    I've had such bad runs, they made me doubt myself but it always got better on the next run. Maybe you should take of a day or 2 from running, get some rest and try again. I'm sure that will be a great run. It works for me.

  38. i really want to start hiking - its a great way to see gorgeous sites and get great exercise!

    everyone experiences bad running days - its just life, but your right - there are always other factors. For me it is usually just not eating enough.

  39. A hiking fun! I would love to be a part of that! I want to be a runner, but not looking forward to a low...I have those enough with exercising!
