
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What's In Your Fridge?

Today when I was grocery shopping, I was over looking what was in my cart. I had a huge smile when I noticed how healthy my cart was!
I know to some my cart still may not be totally healthy. However for how my cart used to look this is VERY healthy! I am amazed at the way I grocery shop now. I don't buy prepackaged meals or sugary processed foods. I now actually take the time to stop and read a label. I like to see what the ingredients are and make a informed decision. I now care to look, research, choose and  decide what I want to place into my body. Where as before I didn't think twice about loading my cart up with Toaster Strudel, Eggo's, Hawaiian Rice Bowls and boxes of sugared cereal or whatever else sounded good. I DID NOT CARE!!! I am happy to say I very glad I care now. My body is grateful to me that I care.
Shopping is so much work! We load the stuff from the shelf to our carts, from our carts to the checkout belts, and then back into our carts again!!! Just to take it out of our carts to load it into our cars, to come home and unload it into our fridge and cupboards! Phew I am tired just typing all the steps!
 It is an AWESOME feeling though when your done putting it away! I love looking into my fridge and seeing it loaded with fresh fruits, veggies and yummy healthy food!

What is in your fridge? Does it need a healthy overhaul? What foods are you willing to get rid of?

*Today workout is Legs at the gym! 


  1. I'm the same way. It feels good to look in the fridge and see all the good for you stuff!! And as I look a little closer at your fridge I realize that we have the same one. lol :)

  2. What an amazing journey! Awesome work! Very inspiring. I love to run too but eating right is such a struggle. How did you make that jump?

  3. Wow, did THIS bring back memories! Of when I tried to hide the worst offenders (think double stuff oreo type junk) under the fresh veggies in the cart, thinking no one would notice. Who did I think I was kidding?!!

    Thankfully, now I wouldn't mind having my cart "inspected". :-D


  4. Looks like all good stuff to me! I love Bagel Thins, by the way.

  5. That all looks great! We get comments from the cashiers and baggers about the food in our cart. I always wonder if they comment about food that is less nutritious on other peoples' carts?

  6. I always have healthy stuff in my fridge. Some of my staple items are spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers, milk, eggs, laughing cow cheese, pita wraps, lunch meat, strawberries. I visited a farmer's market recently so you can add zuchinni, summer squash to the mix too.

  7. same thing happened to me this evening. I LOVED seeing my cart full of fresh produce and NO junk. I felt pretty darn proud of myself.

    And by the are absolutely gorgeous.

  8. I usually notice as I'm putting my groceries on the belt to check out. I always wonder if the person checking me out thinks I'm a health nut. I love it though! :)

  9. How did you get away from the Hawaiian Rice bowls? I still buy them. What do you usually have for lunch?

  10. Thanks for commenting on my blog. Your blog is amazing! Congrats on all of your hard work! I'll be reading :)

  11. I like how you logged the process in photos - very cool! :)

  12. wow! your fridge looks awesome!! when i go food shopping i keep my eyes on my own cart. if i start to peek into other people's carts i can feel my heart rate increase and i start to overheat-it's true. i get oddly upset about other people's junk food. LOL

  13. @ Lindsay - great post, the only thing i'm struggling to get rid of is the wine!! Seeing all the colourful fruit and veg gets me excited now!

    @ Bethany & Ryan - if you look carefully, its the carnky people and those with naughty kids who seem to have the unhealthiest trolleys

  14. Your fridge looks awesome!

    I have started making better choices as well, and it is a great feeling.

    The Fit & Frugal Challenge

  15. I love this! We should have a "share your fridge" national blog day, where everyone takes a picture of what's in their fridge & posts it on their blog. Wouldn't that be funny?

    We have so much fruit and vegetables, it takes up most of our fridge. oh, and I think you can see one bottle of Corona too :)

  16. it's funny b/c i always think our fridge look full of fun/great food. but then my mom/sis come over and they often comment that my fridge and cupboards 'don't really have anything' soo funny!

    it's all relative eh?;-)
    nice job chica

  17. Congrats on the healthy shopping trip! It's such a good feeling to stock up the fridge with healthy treats!

  18. Yum! Look at all the healthy food! I am slowly getting there. Only one or two, not so healthy things end up in the cart ;) I would love to try bagel thins but can't seem to find them around here! They look so good.

  19. Just found your blog and I have to say CONGRATS girl on your weight loss!! I think its amazing how you lost weight and did it all yourself by living a healthier lifestyle and adding more exercise!! Kudos to you!! U look amazing!!!! I love reading stories like yours! It is really wonderful!!!! Go you! Happy Belated mothers day as well!!!!!!!

  20. Hey Lindsay! I just gave you an award on my blog! Come over and pick it up :)



  21. You need to get these AMAZING treats from Costco! They are dark chocolate covered pomegranates and this fitness trainer in my ward with the best body ever is the one who recommended them to me! i'm hooked!

  22. Yes, my fridge and cupboards need an overhaul. When i was working out and eating heathy a few years AGO ( I FELL OFF THE WAGON) I loved to watch everyones carts at the grocery store. The heathy , thin people had good food in their carts. And the fat people had unheathy attening food. I need to get healthy foods in my cart again!

  23. I shop at a grocery store where a lot of fit and health conscious people shop at because of the variety of organics and health food.

    I used to ENVY them as I thought that I couldn't afford to shop like that. So instead I would load up on frozen burritos, hot pockets, frozen pizzas, hot dogs and hamburgers.

    I've realized that I can't afford NOT to shop like the others at my store. Shopping the way I used to could cost me my life and I certainly can't afford that!

  24. i was recently thinking the same about my cart! i used to be all about the boxed products... now i pretty much just go around the "edge" of the store like they say, and only get a few packaged things (oatmeal, cereal on occasion, noodles...). we are so healthy :)

  25. what an amazing journey and how inspiring! I am ready to freak out at the boy as he feels the need to come along shopping getting...cookies, cake, sugar cereal and any other crap he can find. It doesnt help me having all the junk around the house. He doesnt need it and I am trying to lose weight for the wedding! Your frig looks so healthy I wish mine looked like that!


  26. Love this post. I think I will do one like it sometime. Your cart looks a lot like mine. I always have some kind of thin bread, bagel or round or otherwise. Strawberries and a whole pineapple are a must. And I always buy spinach and lean meats. Everytime.
