
Monday, May 10, 2010


You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you must make it. -Charles Buxton
In a day and age where we are so busy. We are constantly being pulled in many different directions. From being parents, to working full time jobs, to keeping a house together. I am often amazed when people say they don't have time to work out! When I hear people say that I want to scream YOU DON'T HAVE TIME NOT TO!!!  My days are much more prodcutive and energetic when I make the time.

It is one of those things that we must MAKE and TAKE the TIME to exercise! Trust me there are plenty of days that I try to pull the "I'm to busy" card. However once I make the time to get a workout in I feel so happy that I MADE the time.

 I am a mid morning exerciser anytime between 930 and noon is a good time for me.
I like to head to the gym or for my run while my kids are all in school. I find that if I wait until the evenings I am to tired, or my nights are full of taking care of homework, dinner and bedtime. However if I don't get it in the mornings, I will sneak away in the evening to get it done!

Today I want you to post a comment telling me how you get your workout in?  I know we are all really busy, so I am anxious to hear how you fit your exercise in!!! Or if you are using the "I don't have time" card, tell me how your going to MAKE time :)

For my workout today I worked chest, back and light abs followed by 30 min. on the elliptical. 


  1. I've been fairly diligent with my workout schedule (Mon-Thur and Sat), but as the weather is turning warmer I have to water my yard a lot more often so last week I used the excuse of needing to water as a means to skip my workout - booo!!!!

    I started towards the end of last week wearing my sneakers when leaving the house for work so when I step off the bus at the transit center I can walk instead of transferring buses. I walked in this morning and walked to get my lunch (was lazy about packing last night).

    So game plan for this is to not skip my workouts - get my butt back on schedule regardless of what needs to be watered or done. It will have to wait until my workout is complete!

  2. On weekdays, I usually work out between the end of my classes for the day and supper (between 4 and 6). I used to use that time as a "brain break" anyway so now I just work out during that time. This works for me because I am definitely not a morning person and then after supper I can focus on studying the rest of the night.

  3. The times that I've been the most successful with exercise are the times that I've just put it in my schedule. If someone says "hey, do you want to get together on Monday" but Monday's schedule says exercise, then I tell them "sorry, I've got something planned during this time, but maybe afterwards". Putting it in my routine & in my schedule is the key for me. Consistency is my friend!

  4. I work out after work. I schedule my days so that each day I do a different class or exercise. It works for me because Its just like going to work. I know that every monday I have spin, tues run, weds boxing etc but it never gets old because I enjoy going to the classes and seeing the people ive met there. I may have trouble with my eating still but I have exercise under control!

  5. When I am not working I try to get to the in laws while everyone is at school,around 9 am. But if not then I got running after dinner outside around 9pm, since I live in Alaska and its ALWAYS light outside in the summer.

  6. So true! Scheduling exercise is the key to getting it done. I put off starting P90X for 5 months because I thought I didn't have time. But once I prioritized I have been fine. 4 weeks in plus 30 miles a week running and taking care of my kids and I'm getting it done. Runs in the morning, P90X in the evenings. You just have to work for what you want!

  7. I get up early to run (which is a preference). I do my strength/core workouts during my daughter's afternoon nap. Cross-training is usually a bike ride, and I pull the bike trailer with my daughter in it - we usually end up at a park to play with friends so we're loaded up with snacks, toys and everything in between!

  8. I run when the kids are in school. If I can't manage that, I hit the road the minute my husband walks in the door from work. I can just knock out 4 miles in the time I have between that and needing to get dinner on the table.

    If I don't manage it then, it doesn't happen.

  9. I am the same as you - with three kids I find the best time to work out is in between breakfast and lunch. Today I didn't feel like going but I went anyway!!!

  10. I try to get my workout in mid morning or after noon. I prefer to do it right away if I can.

  11. It's not negotiable for me to get my exercise in. Period. I work out in the morning and that means sometimes having to get up earlier, but I never skip.

  12. I too am a midmorning gal, usually between 10 and 12. I work at home. Some days are easier than others to get a workout in, and I get very frustrated when work gets in the way of a planned workout time

  13. Funny that your blogged about time. I did too this morning. I get my workout in by going right when I get out of bed.

  14. Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. That was sweet!

    I try to exercise right after I have my morning coffee. If I don't do it first thing it usually won't happen later in the day.

    It does help me to eat better all day, feel more relaxed and less stressed.

    You look amazing, congrats on your weight loss and healthy lifestyle.

  15. i definitely have time for the workout...i just don't have the dedication. it's so bad. and wrong. i need to be more dedicated to working out. i just seriously hate it. i need to find something i love and stick to it.

    i hope you had a lovely mother's day!

  16. Wow, we sound a lot alike. I hate it when people give excuses like that. It drives me nuts. I also like to go mid morning because the kids are at school. But if I'm doing too much, I go at night when the hubby is home. Thanks for the encouragement on my blog.

  17. Well I'm off track!!! But the events of the day and your post have got me refocused!! What I will do is get up at 5:00am to get my 30 minutes of cardio & physical therapy sretches done. Then I will make it to my trainer for weights & cardio 2 nights a week, water arobics 1 night and either bike or swim another night. When I kept to that schedule, the last 3 months, I was losing weight and feeling great!! It's not hard and I have no excuses for not getting this done. Thanks for the reminder!!

  18. I'm very lucky to have a flexible work schedule and a membership to a very nice gym. I work out over lunch, and if I need to take a long lunch it's usually not a problem. I'm not a morning person and there's too much going on after work for me to really consider night gym time.

    There are two things that really help me. One is the gym I go to. I treat myself to a more upscale place with neat gels in the shower and a very nice staff so it always feels like I'm treating myself to something special, no matter how many times per week I go.

    The second thing is that I have a fairly well defined workout plan, so on a given day I always know what I'm doing. I'm not just going to the gym, I'm going to go dead lift and find my 1 rep max, or do a met-con workout, or run 2 miles of intervals. Knowing specifically what I'm going to do before I do it means I can pump myself up all day.

  19. I so agree with your post! Very well said!

    I am most definitely not a morning person. Although, it always does seem like such a good idea when I'm laying in bed at night! lol

    So my exercise takes place after 4pm. I'm not on a set routine, per say, just as long as I do it.

    Bottom line, I will not shower and go to bed until it's done. Even, if that means exercising at midnight! No excuses, right!?! ( :

  20. I have three small children and no time, but I still make time to get at least 45 minutes of exercise in 6 days a week, and have done this week in and week out for about 2 years now.......and have lost about 70lb.

    My alarm goes off at 5am every day apart from Saturday, and at 5am I get up, have coffee, blog, then from 6-7am I pound the streets.

    I am not joking when I say that this routine keeps me sane as well as fit...........

  21. hi, just found your blog, congrats on your weight loss, you look amazing! i look forward to following you as you train for your upcoming races! how exciting!!

  22. Thanks for stopping by my blog!! Congrats on your weight loss, and you're so right about time, I remember doing a post about that a while ago. We all have the same number of hours in a day :)

  23. Hi, stopping in for the first time. I work out with a trainer twice a week. Having that on my schedule and knowing he is going to ask what else I did the 5 days I didn't see him keeps me honest. We schedule all kinds of activities during the week, why not schedule exercise too, right?

  24. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love finding new running/blogging friends! I added you to my Google Reader. Your accomplishments are amazing! I am excited that you are on the way to your first half marathon! Awesome!!!

  25. My favorite time to run (or bike)is early AM and many times it is still dark outside. Gloves, flashlight, beenie - all essentials for the early morning runs.

    Gym time - my favorite is mid day when there are not a lot of people there. My schedule rarely allows me a midday workout so usually it is early mornings for me!

    My other favorite thing to do, is to run to meet a friend or family member for dinner. So I will run the 5 or 10 miles to sushi or wherever we are going. It adds excitement to the day!

  26. I am still working on figuring when the best time is. With two kids at home all day, I have been waiting and working out once they are in bed at night...but it seems like lately I have had commitments at night so it is kinda a balancing act. Evenings work probably 4 nights a week though.

  27. I always work out right after work--5 o'clock. How do I make time? Well, I have to work out before I eat. Therefore, if I want food, I work out first. It's a good if-then set up. :)

  28. every day is different, because I'm home with the kids, and they are on opposite school schedules. I either get up early to do it, or sneak it in while they're playing. Sometimes I run when my husband gets home from work. But every Saturday morning I have my running group, and my husband watches the kids, which is great.

  29. Early morning runs is the only thing that works for me! I am too tired the rest of the day! :) So I run at 5 a.m. three to four days a week.

  30. going right after work is the best for me....i dont give myself the chance to get side tracked.

  31. i hate this excuse!! you have time for whatever you value - if you want to be healthy and exercise you will find the time. oh it annoys me when people whine about how they don't have the time... yes you do! make it!

  32. It's HARD but I manage to work out 5x a week. Mon., Tues., Wed., and Thurs. I got after work and don't even get home until about 7:30. ROUGH! And then on Saturdays I go in the morning. I wish I could always go in the mornings but it's just not possible. I work 8-5 (if I am lucky) and my gym opens at 8.

    Sometimes I feel like my weeks fly by in the blink of an eye. Wake up, work, workout, cook dinner, sleep, repeat. HA!
