
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Good Thing Utah

Today was an exciting day for me! I was featured on Good Things Utah!!!

It was so awesome to be there to share my story! The GTU girls were amazing they made me feel so welcome, and comfortable!
  The set. . . .
I was intimidated at first, but as soon as things got rolling I became more comfortable.
Today's show was filmed at the BEAUTIFUL Grand America Hotel 
The people there are so kind. I was even escorted to the bathroom!
Right before we went live, and a HUGE deep breath!
The wonderful hosts who made me feel so welcome!!!
It really was just like sitting around talking with girlfriends. 
After we were done filming! Aww it was such a fun time!
It is my hope that I can inspire, help and motivate many! Please, please don't hesitate to leave me a comment or e-mail me. I love hearing from you! 


  1. I saw you on Good Things Utah today and you definately did motivate me! Iam 19 years old and haha well a little over weight ;) I've been trying to find motivation to work out and get to where I want to be and seeing you today definately helped! If you have any pointers or anything please let me know! Keep up the good work! I'm following you and your successes! :D

  2. I also saw you on Good Things Utah. I have been on the weight loss track since March 15th and it is going so slow. Only down 8 pounds, but I haven't put my all into it just yet. I have about 22 more pounds to go. You have totally inspired me to get moving. Thank you for sharing your successes. I wish you the best.

  3. That is so awesome!!! Congratulations and you look amazing!

  4. I am Julie Uriona's sister, and she sent me this link. Congratulations. I am thin but have never exercised until about 6 months ago. Now that I am over 40, I am very concerned about my overall health. I love reading stories like this that inspire me to get out and do more. Having never been overweight, it can be difficult to be motivated. Thank you for your story and the motivation it provided me.

  5. You have an amazing story! I love to check in on your blog. I'm new to blogging, so I need the inspiration I get from reading about how hard you have worked. The exercise piece of the equation is a struggle for me, but I know it pays off. Best to you.

  6. I saw you on GTU today. What an inspiring story. I am attempting to start running also (my husband is a big runner) and lose some excess baby weight. Do you mind if I ask you how tall you are? My goal weight is 145-150 too.

  7. So cool seeing you on Good things Utah! My Mom was so excited to tell me about it...she kept telling me how beautiful you look. You have accomplished so much! Your story is amazing and I feel honored to be your friend!

  8. Congrats on your journey! I have lost 45 pounds and have a blog about my journey as well.
    I love finding new health blogs to keep me inspired I will link mine you yours for sure - great job!

  9. Saw you on GTU today. Thanks for being so positive and willing to tell your story. You are beautiful inside and out. I'll be following your blog, I need the inspiration.

  10. That is too cool! You look great, girl!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Oops- just left the following comment under my husband's login instead of my own-

    AAAAAAH!!! That's so crazy cool! WOW! You are very well spoken and energetic, yet not over the top. Kudos to you girly!

  13. Lindsay talking to you and reading your blog is helping me to get motivated to work out daily. YOu look beautiful. You always have but it is great so see you so healthy as well. I love you and honored your my cousin.

  14. Lindsay,

    This is so awesome that you got to do this! You are such an inspiration to me!!!


  15. Wow! So awesome. My health and weight could use a makeover too. I am excited to follow your blog and hopefully get some inspiration!

  16. How very cool for you!! You look beautiful:) Congrats on all of your success!

  17. Congrats. I saw you on GTU today s well, and can't wait to continue following your blog. You look great!

  18. Keep up the good work. I only wish that I had done it when I was your age. Now at 52 I have lost 80 lbs. but I will never be able to eat what I want again. Diabetes is the hardest thing to live with. I wish I had made healthier food choices when I was younger. You are a wonderfull mom to do this for your husband and children. You looked beautiful on GTU today.

  19. Well snap, you're famous. :)

    And you looked so pretty. Flaunt it lady... Flaunt it. :)

  20. That is so cool! And you are darling!!

  21. Thanks for commenting on my blog. It makes for a tough day, digging into emotions and old (yet still raw) feelings. I appreciate your comment. It's kind of like a virtual hug!

    Your story is amazing! You look incredible, and I love that you did it all without the help of anything. You lost weight the healthy way! You are definitely an inspiration!

  22. You are an inspiration!!! So glad that I came across your blog (thanks GTU). I too have been on a weight loss journey and to see where you have come from and where you are today gives me the motivation and drive to keep going and do it for myself. I CAN DO THIS!!! Thanks for putting yourself out there and inspiring me to keep going!

  23. Girl, how fun! you look freakin' amazing. wow;-)

  24. I have a little blog that is private (just me and a few friends are allowed :) Ha) about weight loss. I've been up and down and up and down... and finally getting back up to where I sure don't want to be! After an emtional rollercoaster for some tragic events in my life the past couple of years, I am heavier than I've been since pregnancy (like, actually PREGNANT.) After seeing you on GTU it gave me the little bump I needed to get back on the health train. I've linked your blog to mine so that my friends can come read what you have to say :)
    Thanks for the inspiration.

  25. Thank you for being so willing to share your story! I've been trying to drop my weight for sometime now and while I've been somewhat successfull, I still have about 65 lbs to lose! I had thryoid cancer a few years ago so my weight loss has slowed. I'm keeping your blog as one of my "favorites" Good luck on your 1/2 marathon!

  26. Great job! So exciting! You look great and your blog is a great inspiration. I mean, just look at the comments above! You go, girl!

    Now you've got me thinking of a half marathon. Hmmmm. I did a 5K last year and really didn't think I had an interest in a half, but why not. I want to keep challenging myself!

  27. i have to say, i thought you were stinking CUTE when you were chubbs! but man, you are smokin' hot now! i really wonder what i look like at a healthy weight. im so curious. ****and you are the DEFINITION of inspiring!*********
