
Monday, May 17, 2010

Food Riot

Why is it that on Sundays after being at church I come home STARVING? I feel like I could die. I’m telling you I suck on eating well or even in moderation on Sundays. Why is this?

Yup I am willing to admit that I need to have a plan in place for the after church munchies!
I literally walk in the door and head straight to the fridge.

Standing ones self in front of the fridge, cupboard, or pantry. Shoving the food into your mouth as FAST as you can because you feel as if you are a bottomless pit!

Yup I was on a FOOD RIOT yesterday after church!
 Yesterday I downed chips and salsa, Triscuts with a wedge of laughing cow cheese, a few slices of lunch meat and a few handfuls of my favorite dark chocolate!!!! WHY DO I DO THIS??? Mind you this doesn’t include half the bagel with peanut butter I ate when I ran home to grab my bag I had forgotten.

That said, I normally will eat these foods. Just not in a mad dash way and at the same time. Yes it is a HUGE improvement over what the heavy Lindsay would have eaten. The old me would have indulged in a few Peanut Butter and Honey sandwiches on white bread, with Oreo’s, lots of chips and maybe toped it off with some ice cream! Sick I know!!!

I have been at this long enough to know I should just make a meal and sit down and ENJOY. Instead I choose to stuff my face full of food. Then I sit and feel GUILTY with upset stomach.

As I was talking to my, Mom she asked me why do you feel guilty? She said are you over on your calories, your carbs, your fats? What’s the stress??? I came to the conclusion that I wasn’t mad at myself for eating what I ate. I was disappointed in the way I handled the eating. I wasn’t over on anything.

I think everyone has some sort of FOOD RIOT moments! I think sometimes they are okay.
It is more about the manner in which we handle them.

I am putting my plan into place right now!!!! Next Sunday when I come home I will slice an apple and eat it while I make me a meal to sit down and eat!
That way I can still have the food but in a more enjoyable manner.

When does your FOOD RIOT hit? How do you deal with it?

Today I worked arms, abs and 25 minutes on the elliptical.


  1. Girl I get you~ Yesterady around 4:00 my fam. gets home from church.. and i did the same thing.. chips salsa, m&ms's, crackers, half a roll... then felt so upset and dissapointed. I layed down (stomach ache.) then made Sunday dinner. Normally I put dinner in the crock pot and its ready for when we get home. As long as you stay on track, I DON'T think a riot or a cheat day (moment of indulgence) will hurt you. Have a good one, Jenn

  2. The reason you are starving after church is because you've been so spiritually fed that your body feels the need to catch up :)

    Happens to me all the time.

  3. great job on your run this weekend. Hope you have a fantastic week!

  4. i do that too! I do it at night when i get up to feed my baby too.....BAD NEWS!

  5. I agree, your issue was not in WHAT you ate, but in the lack of control you had while eating it. I'm glad you recognize that distinction and have a plan to conquer it! You go girl! This coming Sunday is going to be so much better for you, I know it! Don't be too hard on yourself, just make a plan and stick with it! Great perspective!

  6. PS: When we are super hungry like that, we have a glass of milk while we make something. it's a great source of protein and carbs, super easy (just pour!) and as long as you don't drink D, the fat content is not bad. Just thought I'd share this tip we found!

  7. my food riot? everyday at 3:00... it's just about the time i get home from work... and i'm at your "before" stage... i've only been binge-free for like a week, so i guess i can't say i *was* at your "before" stage... i really know where you're coming from, tho... even when i make healthy choices at that time, i can end up eating a ton of food and barely even realizing what i'm doing... my way of coping? keeping myself busy right after work until dinner time... i've been trying to hit the y right after work to workout... come to find out, most of the time i'm not even actually hungry right after work and it's mostly in my head ;)

  8. you do it because your body isn't satisfied!!! keep eating healthy snacks all day to keep your body satisfied and you won't have a food riot. did you eat before church? is so, did you eat enough?? i know!!! put a healthy snack in the car for the ride home from church! that will curb your hunger when u get home. it could be a habit too. good luck

  9. I feel like I always end up having food riots! Even if I'm eating healthy stuff, I just mindlessly eat sometimes. Ugh. I hate those moments. And I love your picture. It puts the feeling afterward so perfectly!

  10. Girl...I TOTALLY understand what you mean. I do the exact same thing on the exact same day. You know what, it's not that I feel guilty either about the's how I lose control. I don't like that at all. Thanks for this post!!!

  11. I have definately had that "race for the food" moment before! Where you can't seem to shovel it in fast enough! Good for you for realizing you need a plan! With a plan in place, you now know how to handle it next time!

  12. ROOD RIOT . yep- what a good way to put it. I don't know why we do it. It makes absolutely NO sense! Good for you with your plan for next Sunday!

  13. I've been known (a time or two...) to do the same...I mean exactly the same as in healthy food choices, but consuming them in rapid succession without even enjoying it just trying to "feed" the insatiable hunger. I don't necessarily know what causes my "food riot" either (love the term, by the way). I do have a theory that some of my issue has to do with a lack of proper hydration. That would leave me feeling fuller / more satisfied in general. I think the important thing is to have a plan in place to avoid "the monster" the next time and it sounds like your apple is the perfect solution! =)

  14. That picture made me smile! I go crazy when I get home from work. It seems like I eat everything in the house. Lately it has gotten better though. I've been having a larger lunch at work. I love that you have a plan for next time! :) Have a good evening!

  15. I run into a food riot too here and there, its when I am too busy out doing something and am getting home past my regular meal time, and by the time I get home I am STARVING so I just start eating everything!! I hate when that happens!!! I try to keep almonds or some kind f small snacks in my purse now to hold me over when I get in that situation! Love ya girl!

    Got that heart bowl at target!!

  16. I have the same problem Sunday's after church - but it is my own doing - I fail to eat breakfast before church - so I am FAMISHED when I get home.


  17. I have that same post-church problem! What I do to combat that now days is make up a nice healthy plate of food--turkey sandwich, some baked chips and grapes, and stick it in the fridge, so that it is ready when I get home. It is the first thing I reach for and it takes the edge off my hunger so that I am not ravenous and scarfing everything I can find :)

  18. Or better yet, take the apple with you and eat it on the way home so you're not even tempted when you step into the house.

    Also, lots of water helps so much!

  19. I was soooo excited that you read my blog!!! I love you! You are seriously my HERO lady! I felt like getting a response from a celebrity! {hugs}

  20. Oh yeah, I eat like that sometimes. It's funny how I can binge on something like unsweetened shredded wheat, too.

    I have a theory about those of us who have lost a lot of weight and continue to be in a calorie deficit. I think sometimes the body just pushes back really, really hard to come to balance, which creates the almost uncontrollable need to eat. And I mean when you are just hungry and not eating out of emotion. (that's a whole other story).

    You just move on, that's all. No guilt. One day like that once in a while will not make you gain 100 pounds back :D

  21. I am always SUPER hungry after church too. We have church at 11 and we leave at 10:30 so that's my normal snack time. We dont' get home until around 1 and I usually eat lunch at 12.

    My suggestion is to take a snack along. Kids eat snacks in church and as long as you don't make a mess or a lot of noise, you should be fine too.

  22. Oh my goodness I hear you! I have such a problem with this. Although you didn't eat horrible, but I know exactly how that goes. I wish that I could control myself.


  23. yummm. peanut butter and honey? that is a delish combo!

    salsa and chips is one of the best snacks, as far as i'm concerned!

  24. That happens to me on Friday nights after I swim. I get famished and could eat everything in sight!

  25. I also go crazy eating a million things when I come home and I don't have a plan for dinner. I will just pick on things before I decide what to make and then sometimes I'm not even hungry for dinner. Maybe you can decide what you will eat when you get home and have it prepared.

  26. Haha! Food riot. I love it! My Food Riot's hit me when I least expect it, but mostly at night now that I think about it. Ugh. And I sometimes can conquer them, but other times, (when strong Kelly is in control), I pick up a book and read until I no longer feel the urge to go attack the cabinets and fridge, lol.

  27. Lindsey,
    Thank you so much for your kind words these last few days, I really appreciate it. Have a great night.

  28. I just had a 100 calorie pack of cookies at 9 pm. That is my Food Riot time. If there would have been a chocolate bar, I'm sure I would have eaten that. Yikes! Love the apple idea.

  29. Saturday Nights - I could eat everything in sight and my boyfriend usually brings home treats. I've got him to stop buying for me...but I keep stealing his!! I like the naughtiness of it!

  30. I had one of those days today. It makes me feel horrible.

    That's the BEST picture by the way. I got a good laugh.

  31. Nope it never happens to me..... Hah!!! Just did it tonight. Went to the gym did my weights and 30 minutes of cardio (already did 45 minutes this morning)came home and had a sensible sandwich with some baked chips. Then I found that I really needed a tablespoon of Peanut Butter - with some honey on the side. Oh and just a little more chips, OK a lot of chips. Feels like I blew a perfect food & exercise day. Why oh why? Hugs!

  32. First let me say this: WOW! You have done such an amazing job! 100 lbs lost!!! And you are so beautiful! thank you for commenting on my blog! I need all the support I can get!
    Im wanting to do that half marathon one day too and am just now starting to "jog" a little on my walks! But I gotta start somewhere right?
    Food Riot for me?? Believe it or not, its just after a weigh in! I have no idea why! If I lose, I somehow think I should celebrate and if I gain, then well......I want to eat away the anger! Neither works and I know better than to do them! So, Im making adjustments and having something healthy and yummy on hand after my weigh in. That and a big ol glass of nice cold, ice water to chug down before eating anything! lol

  33. Hi Sweets.. thanks for stopping by my blog! Your weight loss is amazing. Huge kudos!! You've got a new 'follower'. xo- karrie

  34. Ahaha I have plenty of those food riots ugh! Hope you have a great week. Love your blog!! ;)

  35. I love the pic ... it made me laugh. :D

    My food riot time would be any time I've let myself get too hungry or not have a healthy snack with me if I'm out and about.
    These times, thankfully, are becoming less frequent.

    You have a plan in place so that's Step One. Step Two is sticking with it! I want to hear a success story next Monday! :D

  36. Thank for the comment! I love your blog! I just went through your posts. It's so cute!

  37. It's interesting to hear everyone's "weak spot" and when they have their food riots.

    I have those attacks when I am at the office late and there is little food around. I have found that keeping food around helps me crave it less. There is something about NOT having it around that makes me crave it.

    So I keep healthy snacks PLUS candy and chips in my office so that I can have just 1 piece of candy or a small bowl of granola :)

  38. Love this picture of you. :) We all have those moments. I think for me it's when I let my blood sugar get too low that I will just scarf whatever is in sight. Anything will do until I realize what I'm doing or feel full. Over a longer period of time our bodies have time to recognize that we are full, but in a fit of a food riot we are eating way too fast. Great that you weren't even over on your calories. It's amazing what we tell ourselves.

  39. Gosh! I can relate to this post, oh, so well! My FOOD RIOT hits right after I work out. So, I make sure I always have a healthy meal ready for when I get home. If not, I will be raiding the pantry!

  40. I know exactly what you mean by "food riot." I can feel it coming on. It's like I want to eat a whole bag of anything and everything! I can even feel my heart rate accelerating. In the past, I would cave into it. Lately, when I feel the urge coming on, I will do exactly what you said...drink water and eat an apple or an orange. Just the act of eating slowly and intuitively settles me right back down. Great post!

  41. Lindsay -

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Love your blog... I've just been reading your story, and I swear it is like reading my own, except you've lost more weight (as of now) :-) I look forward to continue to follow your journey.

    And about the FOOD RIOT, oh yeah... I sometimes do this when I get home from work. My 2 year old is often having a snack, and it is the 4:30 pm blahs and I start to eat pita chips dipped in butter... just don't even ask... it is nasty!

  42. Thanks for visiting, Wow, I am impressed you lost 100 pounds! I am working on 30 and I feel like it must be a million. :) I do what you describe I always wonder how I can get so hungry that I can't stop eating. I am going to be following you and I am going to read your weight loss journey.

  43. Ugh, I hate foot riots! It's so hard to stop yourself once you start! And it seems to happen so dang quick! While calories may not be a problem, CONTROL is. I hate the feeling of losing control.

    My foot riot usually occurs Thursday or Friday.

  44. I love the photo to go along with your story!!!!

    Have you tried eating before you go?

  45. I feel like I have a food riot every day at about 4. :S I'm decided I just need to start making dinner at 4, even if it means we eat a bit early. I guess it's better to eat an early to dinner than to snack (gorge) at 4ish, and then eat a full meal at 7 too. gulp.

    ps. thanks for visiting my blog... I appreciate your support! Have a great (rainy) Tuesday!

  46. I really need to learn to proofread my comments before posting them. That was a train wreck, sorry!

  47. you hit the nail on the head! i feel the same way. even when i am staying within my plan, i hate hate hate hate this "food frenzy" that comes over me some times. it feels like i am not in control. i hate that feeling. i feel like an addict.

  48. I have my food riot moments too, a little more often than I'd like but like you, my moments are much better than when I was heavier. Having a piece of fruit while you make lunch is a great idea, I'll have to try that next time. :)

  49. I have my food riot moments as well. Ugh, they are frustrating! I say congrats to you on realizing what you do! Now you can work on changing the behavior!

  50. Hi, you commented on my blog today, thanks!! Wow, you are so inspiring. It's so awesome to see people where I want to be, because it gives me hope that I can do it too. Thanks! And holy cow, you get a lot of comments, how do you keep up with them all! Great to meet you, I look forward to following your blog.


  51. You are so inspiring! Thanks for the comment yesterday. I see that you've been out and about. I should have read this yesterday!

    My FOOD RIOT hits when I get too stressed.

  52. I know all about the food riot moments! They usually happen to me when I've waited to long to eat for whatever reason. I agree that church makes me hungry too! Haha.


  53. Mine hit me when the kids are asleep and I am by myself. I'll find myself going to the kitchen, looking in cabinets and the fridge. For what? I don't know.

    So I try to keep myself busy during that time by doing laundry (which is never done!) or talking on the phone.

  54. Do you eating a filling breakfast with protein before church? That might help, and how about packing those apple slices to eat in the car on the way home? That way you're not still starving when you walk through the door!

  55. "Food Riot" i love the title. It's so descriptive.
